There where the landlord gang where we lived, demanding us to pay our rent"little girl if you don't pay our money maybe we will just own you" I was pinned against the wall with a hand covering my mouth 3 man standing around me the First man brought out a knife if you don't obey I will cut you I refused,then he cut me on my hand and I trying my best to fight but there we too strong, finally ready to accept my fate when suddenly a bucket hit the man standing at my front he then fell to the ground and also hitting the other 2 I finally looked up and with tears in my eye and my hand seriously bleeding and realized it was Ivy who saved me,I stood up trying my best to run when Ivy hold my hand.

Hugging me, I was trying to let go but she keep holding me tightly but I couldn't hold it anymore and cried my eye out while Ivy gently bated my back"oh ivy you don't know how hard my life is"it okay am here now"I finally released myself from her hug and ran away to the old Clerk shop, because it was already 9:05, I grabbed my motorcycle and turn on the engine and heading their reaching there the robbery have already started. I quickly changed my clothes to the black suit which was led there for me and went in "Rose what is wrong with you" with a whrisper tone sorry boss we begin to steal from the jewelry to the wrist watch to the diamond we were finally done stealing we headed to the crave beside the beach I carry a backpack full of expensive jewelry when I started hearing the sirens "Guys the police is chasing after us" the boss "Give me all you jewelry and suit head to the beach set up a bound fire.

We did as he requested I want to the beach grabbing some fire and using the lighter in my hand to set a fire the police arrived at the beach"What are u kids doing here" I replied " we are having a bound fire"when Ivy suddenly came out of the police car, I can't believe she called the cops on us that is cruel she said"mmmh Daddy she our neighbor Rose I want to stay with them for the bound fire" Sure honey don't come home late ok" then he drove away I angrily want to her"Why the hell will you call your daddy here" she explained he saw her when she was chasing after me" shh you don't want the boss to hear you boss am going home,he ignored me and I told ivy come on get on my bike I will take you home when we where heading home she revealed a secret........