After that day, everything returned to normal in Storm's room. In fact, it seemed to have never even happened because it was so ordinary. I joined everyone at breakfast and lunch every day for a week since I only wanted to spite that old lady. I did, and it made me so happy to see how uncomfortable she seemed when I was there. I shone with pride.

Two is for Ava. Old lady: 0 points. Zilt. Nada.

I was now passing by Tinley, Fleur, and Indigo as I walked. Erica forced the girls to take me since she said that I had never seen this pack, and so we walked into the town. As we strolled, Indigo gripped my hand and regaled me with tales of how they had all played together in town when they were kids. She told me she enjoyed chatting with me because it improved her verbal communication skills. I grinned.