Ronan had been here for a week, and in that time, he didn't seem to be having the best time, to put it mildly. His countless attempts at starting conversations that were outright ignored by everyone, as well as Storm's tense glances, had his pants in a twist. The girls seemed to stare at him a lot, but neither Indigo nor Fleur could stand him. Indigo said that she didn't like the way he looked at girls. Not that I could relate because in my pack, almost every guy looked at girls with the same lust and flirtatiousness that skipped around in Ronan's gaze.

Now, the blonde-haired guest stood against the window sill, smoking, something that was no doubt prohibited in this pack. His bed was messy and unmade, and he wore a pair of jeans, something I didn't realize I had even missed seeing until now.