I held my breath as I broke into Storm's personal space, which contained his piano. I may go back at any time. I could still decide otherwise, but I won't. I had already made up my mind, and I had to be true to it despite the repercussions.

I sat down on Storm's keyboard and had the impression that he was like a second skin covering me. Despite my hastily taken shower, I could still smell him on me. He was still on me and inside of me, and I still felt hurt and cunning. Although Storm didn't deserve it, I was in a bind.

I popped the piano lid open. The stone was constantly in my direct line of sight. Simply put, I was too absorbed to comprehend.

"The keys to my heart are in this piece."

I went back to the previous day, as Storm was instructing me. I played with my eyes closed, doing my best to execute the piece flawlessly. I'm doing my best to mimic what he said.

I couldn't do it.