After Eight Months...


During my coffee break, Daisy sat down next to me and said, "Rose, you should let my brother take you out on a date. He saw your photo and is really smitten by you."

I giggled in return, unsure of how to respectfully decline her attempts to introduce me to her brother.

She jabbed me in the arm and said, "C'mon," as I put a cube of sugar in my coffee. "You're too gorgeous to be alone."

I couldn't stop giggling. I certainly did. Everyone only seemed interested in my relationship status, which was essentially nonexistent. I had had enough of men for the rest of my life, both their physical attributes and their love.

Daisy begged me to "give my brother a chance. Just one date. Maybe you might click. You never know," while I sipped my coffee. Check out his photo; he's handsome; you two would make beautiful parents together, she said as she pulled her phone to me from her purse.