The sun was beating down on my face as I woke up, and I moaned hysterically. As I sat up, my limbs felt somewhat drowsy, and when I examined my hair from behind, I noticed that it was slightly tangled.

When I turned around, Storm wasn't there, and if it weren't for the fact that the blankets were covering my bare body and I felt a small throbbing below, I may have wondered that I had actually spent the night with him.

I walked out of the bedroom after tightening the bedsheet around myself. The aroma of breakfast filled the apartment as I entered the space that serves as both the living room and kitchen, and when I turned to look, Storm was in the kitchen.

I went over to see him. When I sat down on the island's dining chair, he started flipping sausages.

Storm said, "Good morning," and placed a dish of waffles, an omelette, and sausages in front of me. "I figured you might be hungry when you woke up, so I made you some breakfast," he said.