Chapter 48

Chunin Stadium

As Naruto waiting for who he will and tries take this serious, but however that can't happen since.

"No way! Please Samui! Rethink this!"

Cause Naruto's opponent is begging with Samui along with others, as their trying to get Samui to change her mind about getting married.

'Really? I'm here to show myself that I have what it takes to be a Chunin and yet the person i'm facing is begging my sister/fiance to reconsider of getting married!" says Naruto in his thoughts, His eye is twitching cause he is about ready to put this poor son of a bitch into the hospital with broken bones and a destroyed spine.

Samui isn't bother by this as she looking at her ring with a blush on her as she thinking about the future with her beloved but however a girl, a year younger than Samui is about to grab the ring and throw it away.

But Samui grabs the hand and says "Don't even think about it I am happy that my love asked me to marry him. Plus he is the father of our children, so no matter what you say to me, I won't change my mind just because you aren't the one marrying me" says Samui as she has a aura around that letting off a ice anger from her.

And before anything else happened, everyone hear a voice that's pure rage as he has a besinto and he's after something or Someone.

"YOU ARE SO FUCKING DEAD WHEN I GET MY HANDS ON YOU! YOU'LL BEG ME TO LET THE SHINIGAMI TAKE YOU TO THE AFTER LIFE! AFTER I CUT OFF YOUR BALLS AND COCK THEN MAKE YOU EAT THEM THEN I WILL DEBOWEL YOU!" yells this person as everyone sees two running with in the arena of Chunin Stadium the as Naruto sees both of them running around him as he thinking 'what the?'

"It was prank man! You didn't have to kill me for it!" says the guy that's being based by the guy with the besinto in hand then both of them leaves the Arena.


As in the Kagebooth with Tsunade is saying "t-that was odd, I wonder what happened?" as next to her is the Kazekage, as he wondering the same thing himself, "I h-have no clue m-myself"

"But I can tell you one thing hope and pray that the one that is being chased survives." Said A the Raikage as the kages nodding but then all the Kages sees a army of men with a head of a dogs as their summon by the man with the besinto, then The Mizukage named Mei says "I don't think he isn't going to live past today Raikage, cause who he is, just summoning an army with men with heads of a dog" as they don't know those are jackals and they are the army of Anubis.

As all five Kages see left Konoha grounds and enter the forest parts, Tsunade coughs a bit then "aham, w-well w-whatever that was, it's ove-" They all hear screams of bloody murder, "over with, let's start with the finals! Naruto vs"

Time skip hours later

The Leaf is being invaded by a the sound Village and sand village with leaf, cloud, mist and stone defending. But they are about to get some unexpected help.

Naruto is leading a group after Gaara but they were blocked by some deadly enemies. Then they are hear a horn they look toward the village and it is being swarmed by five hundred thousand unknown warriors.

In all and all, the invasion ended within an hour later, as Naruto with Temari as the talking with the leader of this unknown group with a battle beaten Gaara, "so where do you guys come from?" says Naruto, the unknown warrior chuckles and answers with "Oyaji called us we are the warlords and war ladies we are to protect the innocent no matter what and sand was tricked into doing this." Said the leader of the first division.

"I see, well thank you for your help!" says Naruto as he goes help out Temari with Gaara who is past out, as the warlords and war ladies disappear like their were never there.

Meanwhile at the Uzumaki household

Samui rushy opens the house door as she sees a few dead sound ninjas on the ground, then she calls out "Kaa-san! Are you here!" as she about to head upstairs, but she hears "Yeah we are all ok thanks to these nice warrior women." Said Kushina who is with three women in battle clothes and with jackets hanging off their shoulders.

Samui come up and sees the three women are in guarding pose the babis, "Minato! Akemi!" as she walks past them and checks on her babies who seems to be okay he along with Akemi are unharmed and the women know that this is the children's mother as she saying "thank goodness you two are unharmed." as she kisses both of them on the heads as the three woman talking to themselves "should we tell her that both of them had seen bloodshed and just giggles upon that?"

Samui heard that and said "What?" with all three say at the same time "n-nothing!' nothing at all!" as their doesn't' want to face a mother's wrath as that's more scarier than any foe.

"Don't Lie to a mother tell me what they saw." Said Samui who is showing no emotion but a wrath of a mother, One of them steps up because she is a mother as well "They have seen bloodshed and they just giggled I don't know why." Said the mother warrior.

As Samui looks at them and thinking if she should worry about that.

The next day

As a day passed, with Konoha going through repairing after the failed invasion, and life slowly coming back to normal, that is until, Naruto was called upon by Tsunade for something.

And what happens next was surprising news that not only Naruto had become A Chunin which through helping out with the Invasion, and other is that Sasuke had gotten the Curse Mark by the Shake Sannin, Orochimaru.

Tsunade had order everyone, to keep a eye on him to see if there's any change in his behavior, all accept but one, which is Sakura and before she could reject this, A woman with blonde hair with a single bang which falls down into her face, She also has green eyes and she's wearing Jounin outfit as it hugging her Figure nicely with her Double G breasts being hugged by the blue shirt.

As she hits Sakura's head with her fist, as her name is Mebuki Haruno, Sakura's mother, as well as a Window as her husband had died during the invasion, as she says to her "Sakura didn't I tell you to set aside your personal feelings!" says the Older Haruno woman.

"BUT MOM SASUKE-KUN CAN DO NO WRONG" Sakura replies, then she gets hit on the head again by her mother as she says "that boy has been given a curse mark by a very twisted man! Any day he will turn against everyone and joins him, and your here saying what?" says Mebuki as she looks upon Sakura who is holding her head.

"Really So "Sasuke-kun can do no wrong" or "Sasuke-kun is the strongest no one can beat him.", Sakura just fucking grow up already" says Mebuki who is rubbing her head.

As Naruto and Samui looking at the two but didn't hear what Mebuki said as Naruto is thinking while looking at them, 'okay, how? Mebuki-san has' looks at her figure as well her breasts which he hears 'oh yeah!' 'as Sakura' looks at Sakura's as he hears nothing at all as she's flat as a wooded board.

'Damn now that is something Sakura deserves. And She is a lot hotter than her daughter, but it still wonder though, she should have gotten something from her mother but it seem she hasn't at all' Samui is thinking as she trying to solve this mystery.

As Tsunade says "alright that's enough Mebuki, you can talk about it with your daughter later, oh and welcome back being a active Ninja again" as she smiles with Mebuki "have to, I don't have much to do anymore since I'm a window now, so why not I go back being a Ninja again but I might be rusty" says as she smile with her putting her arms under her breasts which bounce a little.

As Sakura whom next to her and looks at her mother's breather as she says to her thoughts 'why didn't I get there!' as she crying a bit as she knows if she had those breasts, Sasuke would have been all over her.

Then Tsunade gives Naruto and Samui a mission to snow in five days and there will be brief meeting upon it But until then, Tsunade giving them time to relax.

Later at Uzumaki household

As Kushina is looking after the babies, as she says "Your daddy is a Chunin now! And right now he's making more brothers and sisters for you and your siblings!" as she left one up.

In Naruto's room

Lemon starts

Naruto is licking Samui's and Tenten's breasts like crazy with his cock being lick by Ino and Temari as both are intoxicated by the smell of Naruto's cock as both blondes say "so big~ so manly~" as their licking more of Naruto's cock.

As this is going on, a clone of Naruto has Hinata and Natsu as their pussis being fingering deeply, "wow! You two are so damn horny! Was being away from me for so long makes you two like this?" says the clone, They just moan in response, "b-because we a are ruined by your a and couldn't live without your cock in us!" says both as their moaning louder than before with a blush on them.

"Oh? Like your mother and Mikoto?" says the clone as he looks the other side of the room, They see them being gangbanged by clones.

As Hitomi and Mikoto are fucking in their pussy, ass and Mouth as well giving a handjobs to a huge group of Naruto's clones as their thinking the same thing 'I can't live without this cock' as both milfs are being fucked by the clones.

And near them, Kin is being gangbanged,not just her, Lucy and her teammates, Juvia and Cana, are being fuck with two cocks thrusting into their pussy and ass as their lost their minds.

Back with Naruto, the real one with Samui, Tenten, Ino and Temari as he makes light talks with Samui about, "you know I'm going to miss Naruko" says Samui who moans upon Naruto sucking onto her breasts and drinking her breast milk while he's groping Tenten's, "Yeah but she needed and wanted to travel and didn't want to stay here for the long of her life" says Naruto as he remembers that yesterday, Naruko had pack up her things and told him that she wanted to live and see the world and so on.

And like that Naruko had left within a hour after saying her goodbyes, and went to the world, "why does it feel like that we won't see her again ever?" says Naruto, as he twists Tenten's nipple with her says "d-don't say that Naruto-kun! I'm sure we will see her someday!" with her moaning loudly.

"Maybe we will meet her again, but I'm not sure that's all" says Naruto as he kisses Tenten deeply, and Tenten kisses back as Ino licking the bottom of his cock while Temari is now sucking it but nearly half of it.

As back of them, Tsunami, Mabui, Jade and Yugito are riding of their own clone of Naruto as each of them yell out "OH WE LOVE YOUR COCK NARUTO PLEASE GET US PREGNANT!" as each of them has a fuck silly face of them.

At the same time, Naruto's teammates, Erza, Mirajane, along with Brandish are doing the 69 position as all three of them look possessed as their are sucking their own Naruto's clones cock with their pussies being fingered and licked.

While Yugao, Kurenai, Hana, Tsume and Haku are losing their mind greatly as their being fucked in Doggystyle as the clones are thrusting into their pussies as Yugao yells out "FUCK MY PUSSY MORE! FUCK US SO THAT YOU TURN US INTO MOTHERS OF YOUR CHILDREN!" as she completely crazy with lust, as Kurenai yells out "P-PLEASE LET OUR BABY TOGETHER BE A GIRL!" with all her heart as she wants a daughter first, "YES GIVE YOUR BITCH ANOTHER CHILD! MAKE WOMB GROW BIGGER!" Yelled Hana with milk coming out of her new G cup breasts and their son, Menma, is with one of his grandmothers, as for Tsume as she yelling out "YES! YES! YES! GET THIS HORNY BITCH PREGNANT WITH A SON OR DAUGHTERS OR TWINS THAT ARE BIGGER THEN THAT NO GOOD SON OF MINE!" as she wants a childs that good as Haan and better then her son Kiba, Haku shouted "YES FUCK ME MAKE ME A MOTHER!"

Naruto is fucking temari while sucking on Samui's tits with her moaning very loud as milk is coming out of her breasts, while Temari is screaming very loud as Naruto's cock enters her pussy stretching it more, "SO HUGE! N-NO H-HOW MANY TIMES I HAD IT IN ME DURING OUR TIME IN THE FOREST!" yelled Temari.

Naruto thrusting into Temari while sucking onto Samui's breasts with one hand on Samui's ass and he squeezes her ass making her moan louder.

While two clones are fucking Ino and Tenten as both of them facing each other while their pussy being thrusted upon, "PLEASE MAKE US MOTHERS OF YOUR CHILDREN AS WELL KNOCK US UP!"yelled both of them which their start kissing each other with a blush on them.

Naruto the real one is now thrusting his cock between Samui's and Temari's pussy rough and hard both yell out "MORE PLEASE GIVE US A CHILD/ANOTHER WITH SAMUI/ME" as their holding each other's hands with their breasts rubbing each others as Naruto smirked "oh I'm planning to! After all we have a clan to revive!" as he thrusted between their pussies even more then before but he stops and takes out, however, Thrusts it into Samui's pussy with her yelling out "YES PLEASE GIVE OR TWINS ANOTHER SIBLING MY FUTURE HUSBAND PLEASE FUCK ME MORE! GET ME PREGNANT!" as she just lost it badly.

3 hours later

Naruto and his clones are now fucking all members of the Uzumaki harem as their in the cowgirl position as all of them yelling out at the same time, "CUM IN US SHOW US THAT YOU LOVE ALL OF US!" as each of them have stomachs so full of Naruto's cum that their look about 4 or 5 month pregnant.

Naruto and his clones keeps on thrusting into them far more than before as Naruto says to them, "damn! You girls are too horny for your own good!" as he thrusting into Temari's pussy with no mercy at all, With Samui next to him with no clone at all cause she knows that they will have their alone time. "Of course we are horny for you and you only Naruto-kun." Said Samui as she kisses his cheek and has one of his arms between her breasts.

Upon that, Naruto and his clones unleashes their biggest load yet into all of them as each of them screams to high heaven.

2 hours later

Naruto is thrusting into Samui deeply and hard as the others are passed out as well so full of Naruto's cum as Naruto says "we should head to bed soon! We a brief meeting coming up!" says Naruto who has his hands on her hips as he thrstuing into her faster as Samui screams as she crossed eye in pure joy, "I-IT CAN WAIT! F-FOR NOW JUST FUCK YOUR FUTURE SISTER WIFE!" as she doesn't want this to end anytime soon.

And like that both blondes go at it until way late at night as their pass out as they fell into rest.

Half a day later

Naruto is standing in front of Tsunade as he wearing his new Chunin vet along with Samui as their being inform about the mission which is.

"Wait we are doing bodyguard mission for Koyuki Kazahana! One of my all time favorite actress!" says Naruto as he so glad that he's in this mission, as Samui says "but why though?" as she a bit curious as well trying make sure that she doesn't look tired or sore since Naruto did fuck her real good last night.

"This mission come to be by her manger who ask us to not only to protect Koyuki and the crew, but also to guide to some snowy place as their working the latest movie, and he also ask for Kakashi but however he's unable right now" says Tsunade.

"Why?" Asked Samui and Naruto together, "well because he's away on other mission and not only that, I'm a bit afraid to this say but Samui, there was some change of plans, for that, I have a different mission for you" says Tsunade as Samui says "What is it?"

Tsunade rises a blow as she says with thoughts that she might have over think it, "what I have for you is to teach soon to be mothers as their have no knowledge of motherhood, seeing that their are near the same age as you" says Tsunade.

As Samui nods, "I will do it" says Samui as Tsunade then says "alright then, Naruto I know you were looking forward working with Samui for a bit more, but the person who was going to teach there soon to be mothers, is kinda going through a crisis" with Naruto And Samui are a bit curious about that.

"What kind of ciris?" says naruto, as Tsunade said "well it's the ugly kind really, her husband had an affair with her cousin, who is a guy by the way, and her son had gotten his secret girlfriend pregnant" with Naruto and Samui are thinking 'damn! That's really fucked up!' but Tsunade had one more, "and top it all, her mother and family were killed during the invasion, she is going through a lot, I'm planning to visit to give her some confront though all of that" with a worried look on the 5th Hokage's face.

"Damn that is a shit ton of problems." Said Naruto who feels really bad this and he ain't start anything as Tsunade, "enough of that, I have assign a other Jounin along with two other to join you in this mission Naruto" says as she quickly say 'come in!'

The Door opens and Erza, a women with the same hair color and same features of erza's face and yugao walked in.

When Erza stands near Naruto as he asks her this, "looks we working together again Erza and also why does that woman look like you?" while he looks at the woman with long well longer red Hair then Erza's, as she wearing Jounin uniform as it hugging her much bigger breasts which are Double H breasts, as well a more deveple body, meaning her body is that of a Milf as Erza blushed lightly as she a bit embarrassed "s-she's m-my mother, N-Naruto-kun"

"Damn well I can see where you get your looks and skills from." Said Naruto as he smiled and Erza blushed more and was embarrassed more and her mother giggles, "why thank you, and You must be Naruto! My little Erza has been talking about you along with somethings" says Erza's mother whose name is Irene, "MOTHER STOP EMBARRASSING ME PLEASE!" Erza outburst which is a side that Naruto never seen before.

As Irene giggles once more, "well anyway, as Erza said, I'm her mother but do call me Irene" says as she smiles as Naruto nods to that, Then they all get ready to leave but not before Naruto tells Samui to meet him in his room which she nods at.

Later as Naruto is packing.

Naruto is in his room packing everything he needs as well a coat and a jacket, "It sucks you won't be able to come Samui-neechan."

"I know but it must be done I am a mother after all." Said Samui

"But why not Hana she is a mother and she got advice from our mother and her mother as well." said Naruto wishing his sister could really come with him they have been through alot together.

"Yeah but remember I have been mother longer than Hana and Kiba is still clueless of who the father is." Said Samui with Akemi in her lap with her holding her daughter as she is looking around. Akemi reminds Samui of Naruto like that one funny time.