
After thinking things through carefully, the next day early in the afternoon, Yu Qingyu went to talk to the Crown Prince in his study. Prince Alnar raised his brows, a bit surprised by the second visit in such a short time, but didn't comment on that, just gestured Yu Qingyu to sit, while ordering the servants to serve some tea.

"How is your health?" Prince Alnar asked the first thing after they were left alone.

With a hint of embarrassment, Yu Qingyu smiled at the prince. "I'm alright now. I'm sorry for making you worry." He was fiddling with his hands, nervous about the conversation he was about to have.

"No need to apologize. Just take care of yourself in the future, understood?" Prince Alnar responded with a benevolent smile, his eyes caring and gentle. "So, what brings you here today?"

"Um… I would like to talk about Duke Sethor."

Prince Alnar arched his brow, urging Yu Qingyu to continue.