
By the time Yu Qingyu finally put himself back together, it was already time for lunch to be served.

The Crown Prince has already been informed about how his little brother frantically ran around the castle looking for his guard. As soon as Yu Qingyu entered the dining room, he looked at the man with a somber expression on his face. As his eyes met with Yu Qingyu's distressed ones, he let out a sigh and shook his head lightly, turning his sight away.

Yu Qingyu had no appetite. Although all the dishes on the table in front of him were undoubtedly delicious, as always, he couldn't swallow a thing. He just pushed the food around the plate, waiting for the meal to come to an end.

Once the other people finally finished eating, he sprang right to his feet, and quickly strode toward the Crown Prince. "Your Highness, do you happen to have a moment?"