
Bai Yirui opened the door with a big bright smile on his face.

"Xicheng! Just in time. Ready to get started?" he greeted Yu Qingyu cheerfully. He let him in, and not waiting for Yu Qingyu to take off his shoes, he walked back deeper into the apartment, to the kitchen presumably.

After all, Bai Xicheng was his family, so there was no need to treat him like a guest. He probably visited Bai Yirui in his apartment before, although how frequently, Yu Qingyu didn't know. Such details were not included in the 'necessary information' the system has transferred to him. If he asked, 520 could probably tell him more, but that wasn't all that important. So, Yu Qingyu quickly took off his jacket and shoes, and followed the man.

Bai Yirui was busing himself around the spacious kitchen, even bigger than the one in Yu Qingyu's current apartment, preparing ingredients for today's lesson. Yu Qingyu took this opportunity to secretly observe the man.