
"Someone has just died," Yu Qingyu muttered out loud without even realizing.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Li Ming raised his brows in confusion, looking at the man.

But Yu Qingyu didn't answer. He glanced at Liu Wei, who was also staring at him at the same time. As their eyes met, Yu Qingyu mouthed 'the system.' Liu Wei nodded lightly, immediately understanding the situation.

"Who?" he simply asked.

But Yu Qingyu shook his head. "I don't know."

It could very well be that the death happened in the shelter. There were plenty of sick people on the brink of starvation there, after all. But, as they have just discovered that the 'empty' apartment they found might not be so safe after all, extreme dread overcame Yu Qingyu. He couldn't stop shivering. 

Luckily, his teammates were far more reliable. Liu Wei whispered to Yu Qingyu, "Stay calm. Talk about something unrelated, complain about the weather, or whatever."