
The next morning Yu Qingyu woke up still hugging Liu Wei's jacket. His mouth stretched into a smile so wide his cheeks started aching a bit, as he inhaled the scent deeply.

He sighed with contentment, feeling well-rested and relaxed.

It was going to be a good day.

He reached for his phone, checking the time. 9 AM. Still quite early, at least as far as Yu Qingyu was concerned. It was his day off, after all, and he wanted to enjoy it to the fullest. So, he put the phone back on the nightstand, and rolled to the side.

Enjoying the day to the fullest for Yu Qingyu meant sleeping in.

Unfortunately, his peaceful time was soon disturbed by a ping from his phone.

'Probably Tang Anning wants to update me on today's dinner,' he thought to himself, as he lazily rolled back to the other side and unlocked his phone.

It was not Tang Anning.

It was a notification from the guild.