
"Xie Juyan! Over here!" Tang Anning called, waving at Yu Qingyu as soon as the man entered the hotel's restaurant. He was sitting at the table with several other hunters he was close with, including the necromancer, Xiao-li, and the fiery-haired Luo Huping.

Yu Qingyu waved back, smiling, before grabbing himself a tray. The restaurant had a buffet-style breakfast, and so if Yu Qingyu wanted to have the full range of options, he needed to hurry.

The hotel they were staying in was a fancy five-star hotel, and the food was, naturally, up to par. All the dishes looked and smelled so mouth-watering that Yu Qingyu had trouble deciding what to eat. And, as a result, he ended up stuffing his tray full of food, taking a bit of everything.

Just as he finished filling his tray and took a seat by Tang Anning's table, Liu Wei walked in.