
Yu Qingyu ran through the night, as fast as he could, not stopping even once to catch a breath. Rain was falling down on his head, drenching his clothes, until he was wet head to toe, with no single dry spot on him. He tried casting a water repelling spell on his cloak, but with his inadequate skills, it didn't have the desired effect.

The forest was so dark that he didn't even know where he was going. He wasn't even sure if he was going in the right direction, but it didn't matter all that much. For now, he had to get as far from Yeshenna as possible. Then, he could focus on finding his way back to the mountains.

He lost count of how many times his clothes got caught up in branches and bushes, or how many times he tripped and fell. On top of that, he even rolled down the hills twice, and once fell into a deep hole.