
CW: *some gore*

Leaving the woman with the door-scratching ghost, Yu Qingyu quickly returned to the hallway at the front of the house, noticing it got much, much more bloody in the short time he was away. The two ghosts were still wandering around aimlessly, but he didn't spare them much thought. Instead, he started carefully climbing the stairs, holding tightly onto the railing in order not to slip and fall. The stairs, just like the hallway floor, were covered in blood…

Chu Junsha was waiting for him at the top. Although the expression on her face was serious, there was a hint of a satisfied smile in her eyes. She wanted to be paired up with Ou Lingyi, and now she was, sort of.

"There he is. He's been sort of just slowly walking around now…" She pointed at the back of a ghost around 10 feet away.