
The lights slowly dimmed, as the guests flooded the club. It was Friday night, and Rosemist was even fuller than the night before, but somehow, Yu Qingyu felt far less nervous. Not that he was comfortable - he was still tense and self-conscious - but having performed a pole dance in front of many intense stares successfully several times already, he was a tiny bit confident in his ability to pull it off.

Which is why when the reflector lights turned off after Lily's performance, he made his way to the center of the stage slowly, still worried about tripping in his heels, but gracefully, without the awkwardness that was previously present in his every move.

He took a deep breath to relax, and as the music started, he let his body do the work, this time not missing a single note.

"Good job! That was beautiful!" Lily smiled at Yu Qingyu, as he returned to the back lounge.