
When Yu Qingyu stumbled into his room, his mind still hung up on the kiss, his roommate was sitting by his desk, with headphones on his ears, and a pencil in his hand, fully absorbed in sketching. At first, he only nodded silently in greeting, but when he caught the sight of Yu Qingyu's red face, he immediately took his headphones off, interrupting his work.

"Hey, what's up with your face?" he asked.

"My face?"

"It's completely red… Did something happen?"

Yu Qingyu brought up his hand to his face. It did feel quite hot… "Um, well, sort of…"

"Hmm?" Lily narrowed his eyes, staring at Yu Qingyu, full of curiosity. "What? Did you go on a date or something?"

Yu Qingyu's face turned even redder, confirming Lily's words.

Lily's eyes widened. He was only joking, but… "With whom? A guest?"