
CW: *a bit of sexual content*

Seeing Liu Wei wrap his shirt around his face, Yu Qingyu, who was twirling his hair around his finger playfully, momentarily froze, as if hit by lightning. Dumbfounded, he stared at his boyfriend for a while in silence, unable to utter a word.

"…What are you doing?" he finally asked, his voice choked by the lump that was blocking his throat. 

Liu Wei's eyes darted around, avoiding Yu Qingyu's. "Um, I…" he started, but then immediately shut his mouth again. How was he supposed to explain this in a way that the omega wouldn't misunderstand?

Yu Qingyu bit on his lip, trying to hold back the tears. "You dislike my scent that much?"

"That's not it!" Liu Wei immediately rushed to deny it. "I like it very much! It's just that… the resistance pills don't seem to work today for some reason…"