
Yu Qingyu stayed silent all the way, as Liu Wei carried him to the car, and then drove home. He only opened up his mouth once, when they left the club, suggesting that he could walk on his own, but when Liu Wei just tightened his grip on him, not saying a single word in response, Yu Qingyu shut his mouth, and instead, started mulling over how to explain himself later.

When they arrived at the apartment building's parking lot, he tried getting out of the car on his own, but as he stood up on the cold cement, he was immediately swept off his feet again.

"You're not even wearing any shoes," Liu Wei pointed out. "Just let me carry you."

"…Alright." Yu Qingyu bit on his lip. Of course, he didn't mind being carried - he liked being in Liu Wei's arms, always - but his boyfriend seemed angry…