
When Liu Wei came back from work that day, Yu Qingyu was waiting for him with freshly cooked dinner, waiting on the stove to be served. It was always like that, ever since the omega moved in. But that afternoon, something was different.

Yu Qingyu seemed to be… pouting for some reason? It looked as if he was trying to appear serious, but it came out cute instead.

"Hey." Liu Wei stepped into the kitchen, and wrapped his hands around Yu Qingyu from behind, burying his face in the man's neck, and inhaling his sweet scent. "Had a nice day?"

Yu Qingyu shifted in his arms, his cheeks flushing, but he continued putting the food onto the plates. "It was alright. I went out, and met Lily," he slowly responded.

"Lily? Your roommate from Rosemist?"


"Mm… Did you have fun?"

Yu Qingyu put the plates down, turned around and looked straight at Liu Wei's face. He just mentioned talking to someone from Rosemist. How come Liu Wei didn't react at all?