What's wrong?

Night soon came to the academy and it was time for dinner and so David made his way to the dining room and sat down on his usual seat, on a table alongside Akiri, Flora and Susan.

"Are you okay, Akiri told us you weren't feeling fine today" asked Flora.

David seeing the worry and concern in their eyes for him, he was happy to see that even though he had not been in the academy for that long he already had friends who cared so much for him.

"I'm fine, I've just been feeling a little under the weather that's all" said David with a smile to reassure her and the others that there was nothing to worry about.

David's smile brought a sense of ease to the minds of Flora and Akiri but Susan could shake the feeling that he was hiding something.

"Come on guys, let's eat. I'm starving" said Akiri.

"You're always hungry, seriously where does all the food go" asked Flora, wondering how Akiri can eat a meal fit for ten men and still remain so thin.

"My stomach" said Akiri jokingly, causing David to just smile while Flora slapped her forehead in annoyance.

David could sense that Steven was seated behind him, watching him like a hawk and even though it made him feel a bit uncomfortable David chose to just ignore him, Susan though noticed that her brother was watching David and then began to suspect that he might be responsible for whatever was bothering David, as she knew him well and knew what he was capable of if he someone dared to upset him.

Susan then began to wonder what kind of horrible thing her brother must have done to David and if indeed Steven had done something to David why hasn't he told anybody about it yet.

"Susan" said David, snapping Susan out of her deep train of thought.

Susan then turned to David.

"Are you okay, you looked lost for a moment there" asked David.

"I'm alright, just thinking about something," said Susan.

"What were you thinking about that would make you lose yourself in your thoughts" asked Akiri.

Susan, seeing this as a perfect opportunity to make David talk and find out if Steven had done something to him said, "I was just wondering, why somebody who is in trouble would remain silent instead of speaking up and asking of help".

Akiri and Flora looked at Susan with a look of confusion, not understanding what she meant but David on the other hand was able to understand and figured out Susan was talking about him although he was entirely sure why and worried that she might have found out somehow about the secret he was keeping away from her and the others.

"What if the person doesn't need help and can handle whatever trouble he found himself," said David.

"What he can't handle it on his own and ends up getting hurt," said Susan.

"But what if he doesn't ask for help so nobody would get hurt or in trouble," said David.

Akiri and Flora just sat down eating their food and watching the heated debate between David and Susan, it was actually quite amusing and even though Flora and Akiri didn't completely understand what was going on they were still engrossed in the debate to the point where they actually began to take sides with Flora supporting Susan and Akiri taking sides with David.

"All I'm saying is that if that person got himself in to trouble, he should be able to get himself out with having to get other people involved or risk them getting hurt" said David and with those words said the sound of the bell echoed through the entire academy.

"Well, that was fun but its bed time" said Akiri with yawn, feeling immensely tire and exhausted.

"Akiri's right, see you guys tomorrow" said David before they all left the dining room to go to their room and rest up for the night.

Flora and David, being students of the same school within the academy left together as their rooms were closer but Susan, who was too stubborn to let David leave without first admit to her that something was bothering him and if it had anything to do with her brother, chased after them.

"Susan, what are you doing here?" asked Flora after noticing Susan following them.

"I need to talk to David, in private," said Susan.

"Why do you want to talk to David?" asked Flora, wondering why Susan wanted to talk to David.

"I... I can't say" said Susan, feeling that it wouldn't be right to tell Flora that she suspected that Steven done something to David, partly because knowing her she would overreact and end up doing something might put her in trouble with the Head master but also because she felt as though David should be the one to tell her and the others what was bothering him and if her brother had anything to do with it.

"What do you mean you can't say, what's going on Susan?" asked Flora, wanting to know now more than ever what Susan wanted to tell David.

David just placed his hands on Flora's shoulder before saying, "I'm sorry Flora but could you please leave".

Flora wanted to inquire more as to why Susan was so keen on talking to David but was stopped by David looking at her with eyes that beggared not to.

Flora was not entirely sure why but she submitted, leaving David and Susan alone to talk.

David was interested to hear what Susan had to say due to the fact that he feared she might have found out about his hidden powers.

"I know what you are hiding David," said Susan.

"And what exactly might that be?" asked David while trying hard to desperately hide his nervousness, fearing that she might actually know about his secret.

"Stop acting like you don't know David" said Susan with both an angry and serious look which made David even more nervous.

David swallowed some of his spit due to how nervous he was before managing to speak, saying, "I have no idea what you are talking about, could you be a little more specific".

Susan, finally fed up with David as she felt as though he was pretending not know what she was talking about said, "I know that something is bothering, just tell me if it has anything to do with my brother".

David upon hearing what she said couldn't help but burst in to laughter due to the relief he felt that she didn't really know what was going on.

"What's so funny?" asked Susan, shocked and confused to see David burst in to laughter.

"The fact that you think Steven is what is bothering me," said David.

Susan upon hearing what David said realized that she was wrong about her brother and upon realizing that she began to feel an overwhelming feeling of both guilt and shame come over her for suspecting her brother.

"What have I done" said Flora, wondering how she could so easily suspect her brother for doing something as terrible as hurting David.

"Hey, are you okay" said David sensing that Susan was upset about something.

"I can't believe I blamed my brother for doing something to hurt you," said Susan.

"You just made an honest mistake; I mean knowing Steven and everything his capable of if I were in your shoes, I would have probably done the same thing" said David in an attempt to cheer Susan up but sadly his attempt failed and Susan continued to feel about blaming Steven for something he didn't do

"I'm his sister David, I'm supposed to be the one who's there for him when no one else is but instead I judged and accused him for hurting you with any proof. I'm a horrible sister," said Susan.

David, seeing the look of sadness in her eyes just sighed before saying, "no you aren't".

"But I..." Susan sentence was cut short by David saying, "You did nothing but worry about a friend and that doesn't make you a bad sister. In fact, Steven is lucky to have someone like you as a sister, you see the good in him but at the same time you don't ignore the bad. You know and understand him more than anyone else in this academy and you try your best to look out of him even though he only pushes you away. He's lucky to have a sister like you".

Susan upon hearing what David said couldn't help but smile slightly, feeling the sadness within her slowly fade away.

"Thank you, David, you seem to always to know to what say," said Susan.

"It's a gift I guess" said David with a playful smile.

"David, if Steven isn't the reason, you seem so worked up then what is?" asked Susan, refusing to let go of the fact that something was bothering David even though it wasn't her brother.

"Like I said before, I'm perfectly fine Susan," said David.

"Stop lying David, you've been acting strange all day. Now I want the truth and if you dare lie to me are friendship will end here and now," said Susan.

David upon hearing what Susan said just sighed before saying, "I can't tell you".

David did not want to lie to her but he also couldn't bring himself to tell her the truth.

"Why not?" said Susan.

"It's complicated, I just...I can't okay," said David.

Susan saw the frustration and inner turmoil in him as he spoke, he really did want to tell her everything but he was stopping himself due his fear and confusion over everything that was happening to him.

Susan, seeing the frustration and internal struggle within him placed her hand his shoulder and said, "a friend of mine taught me it's not wrong to feel hurt or in pain but you don't have to endure all that pain alone in silence and something as simple as talking to someone can reduce the pain".

David, upon hearing what Susan said crushed his arm in to a tight fist as thought about telling her everything there and then.

David then looked in to Susan's eyes, seeing the fear, worry and concern for him in her eyes.

Seeing that look in her eyes was enough to make his heart melt and before he knew it, he was moving his lips, about to reveal everything to her when all of a sudden, he stopped himself.

A vision of his forgotten past flashed in his mind.

Within the forgotten memory he stood in the mist of rubble, formed from the destruction of a somewhat familiar building.

David then examined the rubble he stood upon more closely and upon doing so he noticed something horrifying.

He saw, buried underneath the rubble, piles upon piles of dead children.

The grim sight was enough to send chills down David's spine and his heart to race uncontrollably due to the horror he felt.

David then heard sound coming from behind but even though David felt nothing but fear and horror at that very moment, he couldn't stop himself from turn back to see what was behind him.

And to his horror and shock, he saw himself but younger in a monstrous form with violet glowing dragon eyes that made him resemble more like beast than a boy.

David, upon seeing this monstrous form of his younger self, took a few stepped back.

David at that every moment recognized the now destroyed building as the orphanage in his memories with the mysterious woman and upon doing so his eyes widen, now beginning to understand the horrific that something terrible must happened there and that he might have the reason it happened

"No, this isn't true" said David before looking at his monstrous younger self.

"You are not me; this is just a nightmare. *Whisper* It has to be" said David, refusing to believe that everything he was seeing at that every moment was true.

David younger, more monstrous self then made its way to him.

David, upon seeing his monstrous younger self approach him, took a few steps back before stumbling and falling on the rubble underneath his feet.

David's younger self then reach him.

"Stay away from me" said David before using the power of the wind to try and blow his younger self away but no matter strong the wind blew his younger self stood still before him, unfazed with a cold and empty look on his face

"What do you want from me" asked David, with a look of fear and horror in his eyes

David's younger self, upon hearing what David said, bent down to meet David's face before saying, with a deep voice, "Let me OUT!!!!!!!!"

As David's younger self spoke everything around them broke apart before shattering around them.

After that, David came back to reality, standing face to face with Susan about to speak

"David, are you alright" asked Susan sensing something was wrong

"I'm..."David stopped as to wonder if he telling Susan everything was the best option at that very moment.

After what he had just seen in his vision, he was beginning to wondering if Susan and the rest of his friends were safe around him.

"I'm fine Susan, I just need to rest" said David and then, without even giving Susan a chance to reply he left, turning into away and blew away.

Susan just stood there; speechless and confused, wondering what was bother David and why it was so hard for him to talk to her about it.

David reformed in front of his room door and then immediately rushed in.

Slamming the door shut upon entering the room before seating down on the floor and thinking about everything that had happened since he arrived at the academy.

Wondering how so much had changed in short time he had spent in the academy.

David then raised his hands, looking at them with a look of fear and horror, wondering what he had done with them during that period of his past he couldn't remember

Had he spilled blood and taken a life before, was the monster he saw in that vision really him.

David's mind bubbled with questions, questions he had no answer to and his lack of answers frustrated by anything.

He just wanted to know, even though he may not like the answer, thinking that knowing would at least give him a sense of clarity and a better understanding of himself and what he was truly capable of.

David, after a while of thinking just sighed, knew where he could get some answers.

He made his way to the window, staring out from it with his gaze fixed on one place, the Temple of The Golden Dragon Warrior, the only place that could give David, at least a clue to who he was.

David sighed, knowing that it he got caught this time he may be punished and even thrown of the academy but at that very moment, getting answers meant much more to him than the academy.

David just had to know and it wasn't just due to his curious mind, he could feel a force deep with him, calling out for and pushing to find as much as he could.

He couldn't explain neither did want to, he simply wanted one thing above all things and that was answers even though there was a very high chase he wouldn't like what he found out

David, taking a deep breath before letting go, turned to air and allowed his body blow away, reforming within the academy's walls.

Knowing that if he was to remain a student in the academy he had to try as much as possible not to get caught so instead of turn in to air and blowing out of the academy's walls he used the power of earth to create a hole on the ground underneath him and allowed himself to fall in, choosing to travel underground to avoid getting caught.

The moment David was underground the hole closed up to conceal David's actions.

But even though David tried to conceal his actions and travel to the temple without alarming anyone someone noticed him leaving, watching him through a window from one of the many rooms in the academy.