Chapter 2 : First fight and an encounter

Author's note

And here's chapter 2. If you're not familiar with the Nasuverse, I recommend reading chapter 0 before continuing with the story.

End of Author's note


As Mordred walks towards the area where the Hilichurls made their camp, she checks what was written about them in her adventurer's handbook.

'So they're primitive humanoid beings and are considered dumb, but some of them wield weapons or use magecraft... Doesn't that mean they have at least a smidgen of intelligence? Not like it really matters.'

On a roadside about an hour away from Mondstadt, Mordred finally arrives near the encampment. There, she sees seven Hilichurls. Three of them are unarmed: two wielding crossbows and one with a bludgeon and a wooden shield. The last one, however, is different from the previous six; he has a red mask with a flame design, and his weapon is a flaming club.

Materializing her greatsword, Clarent, Mordred prepares to fight. Not knowing how strong they are, she decided to fight seriously while keeping a few trump cards up her sleeve. She starts by using a Mana Burst to appear behind a crossbow wielder and strike powerfully, the blow bisecting the unsuspecting Hilichurl.

'He got unalived just like that? Easier than I thought.'

Using the momentum from her strike, she quickly eliminates the other shooter, getting rid of their long-distance fighters, thus forcing the fight in close quarters, where she excels the most.

As she eliminates the second monster, the other Hilichurls notice her and charge. She dodges the first one's attack, a punch, and retaliates with a punch of her own, killing the attacker and sending his body flying on the two other unarmed enemies to make them falter.

Meanwhile, the one with a shield went around her, hidden by his allies, and strike from behind. Her instincts kick in as she parries the blow, destabilizing him. Taking advantage of the opening in his guard, she slashes at him, killing him.

At this moment, the red-masked Hilichurl rushes at her, swinging his flaming club wildly. She sidesteps out of the way and uses another Mana Burst to close the distance with the two fallen enemies and quickly eliminate them. She looks at the red Hilichurl, who is now out of breath, and, after checking that no other enemy is around, throws her sword at him, impaling him into a nearby tree.

Brushing her hands together as she goes to retrieve her sword, she thinks back on the fight.

'Why were they so weak? Didn't they say in the handbook that, when in group, they were enough to kill a vision-less knight? I mean, it kinda makes sense that they could be dangerous to a blind person, but why precise that if a normal knight can dispose of them without much trouble, let alone a Knight of the Round Table?'

While pondering if she misunderstood something, she starts to take off the Hilichurl's masks, as they are the proof of extermination she needs to bring back to the Guild.

'With faces like these, I can kinda understand why they would want to wear a mask. Were they cursed or something? That or they were made by someone with a weird sense of aesthetics.'

Returning to Mondstadt, she reported the quest as complete before asking the questions she had.

"I am interested in several things, so I'd like it if you could answer them. First of all, why did you say Hilichurls are considered dangerous for a blind knight? Like, Duh, if they're attacked, blind people are more likely to get wounded."

"Blind? Do you perhaps not know what a vision is?"

"A vision? You mean like an object? You know, Katheryne, sight is not something you can normally hold."

"A vision is an item bestowed by the Gods to people who meet particular requirements. It grants the user elemental abilities based on the element of their given Vision. Usually, a vision-holder is significantly stronger than a vision-less person. If you didn't know that... Could it be that you do not have a vision?"

"Power given by the gods? Who needs it anyway? One's own strength is what matters, that's all."

"You said you had several interrogations, is there anything else?"

"Ah yes, about Hilichurls, does anyone know why they look like that under their masks?"

"Unfortunately, I do not have the answer. I do believe that the only person who might know is the famous Scholar of Hilichurlian Linguistics, Ella Musk."

"Got it, I'll go ask her if I have time. I'll come back tomorrow, so prepare a harder and more rewarding quest."

Walking away, she starts looking for a place where she could eat. Strolling through the animated streets, she arrives at a plaza with a wide fountain in the middle. Here, she finds an outdoor restaurant with a small line of people. Its sign says 'Good Hunter'. She decides to join the queue and is surprised by the appearance of the customer in front of her. If one were to describe her in a few words, it would probably be something along the lines of : a blue witch in a skin-tight outfit. While Mordred couldn't see the witch's face, she could at least estimate her age to be in her early twenties. What intrigued her the most, however, was the glowing blue gem that hung behind her shoulder blades. While she was looking at the jewel, the line advanced, and it was finally the witch's turn to order.

"I will have a salad, for simplicity is the way of the astrologer."

"Coming right up, that'll be 300 moras."

Hearing that, the witch, or, as she said, the astrologer, starts rummaging through her wallet. And she keeps looking, without success, for her mora. Even as the waitress comes back with her salad, the astrologer keeps searching. Running out of patience and having had the time to choose what to order, Mordred steps forward.

"It's getting too long, Give me two skewers. I'll also pay for her salad."

Nodding gratefully at her, the waitress starts preparing the skewers, each costing 450 moras.

"Why did you pay for my food? I had the money, you just had to wait for me to find it. Well, I am not an ungrateful barbarian, so as thanks I'll divine your fate for free just this once."

"Divination? I doubt it'll work on me."

'After all Secret of Pedigree should hide me from those kinds of magic. It's maybe the only good thing Mother gave me.'

As the astrologist starts summoning water to perform her hydromancy, Mordred nods in understanding.

'So this strange jewel was a Vision, well probably a decoy since it would be kinda stupid to leave it in the open, let alone on her back where any half-decent thief could take it.'

Her thoughts were interrupted by a surprised shout coming from Mondstadt's resident deviner.

"How can there be nothing about you?! The stars should hold information about everyone's fate, but yours is absent, as if it were veiled by something. That alone isn't that unusual, but what is strange is that not only is it veiled, it started only a few hours ago, as if you were just born. Just who are you?!"

"Isn't it impolite to ask for one's name without stating yours first? Well, it doesn't really matter, I'm Mordred, a knight."

"Ah! You're right. Excuse my impoliteness. I am the astrologist Mona Megistus."

"You call yourself 'The Greatest'? At least you have guts. Anyway, my order's here, so goodbye."

"Wait! I still have questions for..."

Without waiting for Mona to finish, Mordred paid and left with her skewers. Her wallet lightened by 1200 moras.


Second chapter done. Writing fight scenes is harder than I thought, but I think it came out better than I expected it would.