Paradise Game


In my anxiety, on the fifteenth day, the fourth task came.

The task required deleting all important data in the company within three days and destroying the mainframe.

I realized that the game had started to go crazy. It was illegal. Besides, Gail had been kind to me recently. I couldn't dig my own grave. If I did this, I would be notorious in the industry.

I thought of Kara and Ronnie's bizarre deaths and decided to terminate the Paradise Game task.

Since it was so dangerous, I wouldn't play it anymore. I quit!

I canceled my mobile phone number, got a new mobile phone number, and asked for leave for three days. I was going to stay at home and not go anywhere. I didn't believe there would be any danger.

However, less than an hour after I changed my mobile phone number, I received a text message and a picture.

“The player changed his account maliciously, so he has been punished.” In the old house, my family was burned down, and my sister was in the hospital with mild burns. I shivered all over. This was the warning from Paradise Game.

I couldn't care so much. I sneaked into the company overnight, turned off the camera, and opened the computer room with the authority of the regional manager. Then I destroyed all the company's backups, caused a water leak, and burned the mainframe.

A bonus of ten million arrived! However, at this time, I did not have the sense of accomplishment to become a multi-millionaire. At this moment, I was like a high-speed train. My speed was getting faster and faster, but I couldn't stop.

Was money omnipotent?

Yes, it was omnipotent. It could make people fall into the abyss.

Since all the company data was destroyed, the company fell into turmoil, and some orders that had been negotiated had problems. Gail was in a state of distress, and I felt guilty.

I quickly sent part of the money home and arranged for my family to escape.

SMS notification,” Paradise Game has reached the final closing stage. Please keep up your good work.”

The final winner would receive a prize of 400 million.

At the same time, I also received the next task. Before 6:00 p. m. tomorrow, kill Gail by any means.

I was shocked and fell into a painful struggle. However, at this time, the boss invited me to dinner to discuss the company's plans. As the regional manager, I had the responsibility to help her through the difficulties.

But after I struggled in my heart, I still hid a knife in my arms. I’d rather kill her than watch my family suffer. For the sake of my mother and my sister, I wanted to live and planned to kill Gail. I hoped she wouldn't blame me. All this was caused by the game. Gail, after you die, I will visit your grave every year.

The meeting place was in her luxury villa. Gail was dressed in a tight white dress like a fairy, especially her two long legs and gray stockings, which reminded me of the time when I had patted her thigh. The excitement was indescribable.

"The company is currently in a major crisis, and we all feel insecure. I used my real estate as a mortgage to maintain the company's operations. Important data has been destroyed, and it’s a major management failure. The investor does not trust the company and wants to withdraw. I have no choice. Someone needs to come out and take the blame to stabilize market confidence. Eaton, you are the person I trust the most... If you help me, you can just ask for anything. Money is no problem, and even I can accompany you..."

She wanted to use me as a scapegoat. When I heard this, I was more relieved than shocked.

It seemed that there was no love without a reason in this world. Gail's scheming freed me from the last burden in my heart. I drew the knife and subdued her.

"Are you going to kill me?" Gail didn't protest. She showed a hint of contempt for me.

I was very surprised. Her expression was abnormal. Shouldn't she be afraid, and then beg me for mercy in tears?

"What do you think this is?" Gail picked up the remote control on the table, turned on the TV on the wall, and played a video. It was the video evidence of how I had burnt the backup late at night, followed by pictures of my mother and my sister in the hospital.

When I was dumbfounded, Gail pushed me away, "If I'm dead, the evidence of your destruction of the company's equipment will be made public, and my men will attack your mother and my sister. Don't blame me for being cruel. I have no choice. "

"Why did you do that?" My mother and my sister were my soft spot and I yelled angrily, "Why are you so vicious?!"

She sneered, "In this society where money is paramount, either you die or I die. The reality is just so cruel. I appreciate your ruthlessness and talent. What a pity!"

I hadn't expected Gail to be a beautiful femme fatale. It turned out that there was still a surveillance camera that was not turned off that night.

"It's a plea deal, saying you burnt company secrets, and you’re pleading guilty. I'll keep your mother and your sister safe!"

She took out a bottle of water with no label on it.

"Drink it. Don't worry. You won't feel any pain when you die! This is the last benefit that I’m offering you as a loyal employee." She looked at me coldly, as if she was already looking at a dead person.

What could I say? This witch had arranged everything. I could choose to kill her at this time, but my whole family would be killed. I could die, but my mother and my sister were innocent!

"If you don't keep your promise, I'll haunt you forever!" I drank the water in one gulp.

I lost. In this game, I was a loser.

But in reality, I was the real loser.

My consciousness was fading. Before I fell into a coma, I heard the text message from Gail's mobile phone, “Paradise Game winner, Gail, with a prize of 400 million.”


I suddenly realized that Gail was also a player in Paradise Game, and she became the final winner.

This was simply a great irony to me. If I had shared the game publicly with Kara and Ronnie when I first participated in Paradise Game and worked with them...

If I had killed Gail decisively at the moment I draw the knife, and then deal with the aftermath after getting the 400 million bonus...

If I had overcome my inner greed and rejected the Paradise Game in the first place...

Unfortunately, there were no ifs in life.

My consciousness completely plunged into darkness.

I didn't know how long it has been. Boom!

My head seemed to have been hit by something.

My head hurt so much. I opened my eyes and saw a mystery box dropped on my desk!

My beautiful colleague Daisy said on the side, "Your mystery box has arrived! You were drooling in your sleep. It's disgusting!"

Looking at the mystery box, I remembered that I had entrusted Daisy to help me choose and buy a mystery box for Kara.

"Was I asleep?" I asked Daisy, "What day is it?"

Daisy looked at me with contempt, "Are you stupid? Today is the 6th. You fell asleep and snoring! Ms. Long sent an internal message, and asked me to wake you up!"

I smiled awkwardly and suddenly realized something. Oh, it turned out to be a dream.

I laughed so easily and cheerfully.

I decided not to give the mystery box to Kara. I would just treat it as a gift for myself!

I was a little curious and tried to open the mystery box to see what was inside.

After opening it, I found that there was a card inside that said, “Welcome to Paradise Game. You are the 14th contestant. Once this mystery box is opened, it is deemed as voluntary participation in this game...

Seeing it, I froze.


My mobile phone received a text message synchronously. I took my phone out and read the text message, "Dear gamers, the first task is posted below...”
