An Employee's Business Trip in Wonderland

Author: Zhi Ni


I was on a business trip with my superior Mr. Gray, but I missed the train.

I was in a chair at the train station with my legs splayed out, anxiously checking tickets for the next high-speed train on my phone.

Suddenly, Mr. Gray texted me.

Mr. Gray: [Go back. You don't need to come anymore.]

As I was about to plead with Mr. Gray for another chance, Trevor texted me.

Trevor: [Mr. Myers said you have to be back at the office by eleven o'clock.]

It was now 10:30. It was almost impossible to reach the office from the high-speed train station in half an hour.

Trevor: [Mr. Myers also said you'd be fired if you couldn't get back to the office in half an hour.]

I put my phone in my pocket, took a deep breath, and then stood up. I decided to have a try. After all, I mustn't lose this job for now.

I rushed out of the station as fast as I could and jumped into the nearest taxi.

"Sir, this is an emergency! Please take me to the Fate Tower as soon as possible."