In the heart of Seoul's bustling streets, amidst the cacophony of city sounds, there was a girl named Soo-jin who painted the air with the magic of her music. She was a street musician, and her soulful melodies carried the emotions of the city's dwellers like whispers in the wind.
Alec's chance encounter with Soo-jin happened one evening as he strolled through a lively marketplace. Drawn by the haunting beauty of her voice, he found himself captivated by the sight of her sitting with a guitar, her eyes closed as she poured her heart into each note.
As the night's curtain fell, Alec approached Soo-jin after her performance. The dim glow of streetlights framed her delicate features as she smiled warmly at him, appreciating his presence as an audience member.
"I've never heard music like yours," Alec said, genuinely moved by her talent.
Soo-jin's eyes sparkled with gratitude. "Thank you," she replied, her voice soft and genuine. "Music is the language of my soul—it helps me connect with others in ways that words alone can't express."
Alec felt a connection with Soo-jin that went beyond their chance encounter. Her music struck a chord deep within him, awakening emotions he had kept buried for far too long.
As days turned into weeks, Alec found himself drawn to Soo-jin's street performances like a moth to a flame. He often found a spot in the crowd, his gaze fixated on her as she sang her heart out, completely immersed in her art.
However, Alec exhibited qualities that did not align with those of a well-behaved individual; he possessed a detached disposition. Soo Jin made earnest attempts to engage him in meaningful conversation, delving into the intricacies of his life. Regrettably, Alec displayed a reluctance to share any insights about his personal experiences.
Alec and Soo-jin encountered one another on a frequent basis; their interactions seemed predestined, as even in the sprawling metropolis of Seoul, amidst its vast expanse, their chance meetings persisted.