Charles Xavier as said controlled all hydra agents to gather in a desolated area, while Fury and others bombed them alive with the explosives they got. not even single one left there but pierce and winter soldier along with a few others have some kind of props to made them immune to mind control.
I expected as much, and now it's our turn to shine. captain, nat, Sam, Hawkeye goes to deal with pierce and also confronted winter soldier, while Tony, me and hulk are dealing with helicarriers, I activated material burst and destroyed the helicarrier's propellers, but one of the helicarrier's has activated the defense mode.
I scoffed and shot the helicarrier turning it into dust, while other two fell down, Tony took care of the remaining operation, that is blowing up its source damaging it's system's, the operation is a success and hydra in shield is gone except a few remnant bases around the world, captain captured his best friend and asked me whether I can remove his brain washing.
I thought for a second and nodded, the next day it's a huge turmoil for all of us, and soon it'll be time for Wanda which I'm very much looking forward to, but I'm feeling someone is observing me but couldn't find them.
so now we're all back to our routine's these days are a little creepy for me because no matter where I go I can feel a gaze on me, I want to spread the laws in my soul to observe the stalker but I didn't because the moment I activate those laws a sea of energy that can crumble the balance between infinity stones.
so I'm now waiting for my stalker to appear before me but it looks like that stalker is waiting for something and is refusing to come out, even I called a few times loudly but there is no reaction which puzzled me highly but I sighed.
my phone got a message Tony saying we're going to destroy the last hydra base in sokovia, I'm excited to meet the twins while being ready to deal with cthulu if necessary, chaos force is one hell of power to mess with.
I wore my armour and flew to the stark tower with a big A, captain is saying his words as a leader and I'm flirting with Natasha which annoyed Tony, Thor is also here with us as he ran awa-*ahem* here for a vacation because of hela who is bullyin-*cough* training him daily saying he is weak.
he is giving me a forced smile as he can sense hela is watching all of us now, I just awkwardly nodded at him. every Avenger is carrying a bracelet with them as it's the device that can make hulk fall into sleep, I designed it with brain waves from hulk as he is got them different from banner.
so it only works on hulk, I designed this in order to avoid the situations like age of Ultron where hulk goes berserk, another reason is Natasha now hulk and banner aren't in love with Natasha so who can calm down the hulk, after designing this bracelet we tested it and it worked.
banner thanked me for this, while we're all in quinjet Thor took out his brandy again and strted to drink which made us all dumbfounded, this guy is drinking at a time like this, I can now understand why Hela decided to beat Thor that much this guy don't know how to read the room or how to behave.
all of us sighed while looking at Thor but he just drank it and said," after the mission, we'll have a party tonight, what do you say?", we just nodded at him while he smiled and took his hammer them flew off, which made Captain's mouth twitch as he didn't get to say his role.
captain looked at me and asked," Tony said you're engaged to Thor's sister Hela, congratulations Raphael", then he looked at Natasha and said again with a teasing smile," I hope you will be fine in future with all knifes around you, good luck".
Natasha raised an eyebrow and said," yeah, he needs luck, because he'll be in bed with a cold-blooded assassin everyday, don't know when he is going to die", Hawkeye laughed at this while Thor and Tony also laughed, banner only show a smirk but he is also well teasing me from that. I looked at captain and sighed then said," well, I'll be careful in future then".