Flat-Brim Samurai Chapter 7

Flat-Brim Samurai Chapter 7

The day began when Apollo got out of bed and felt something weird as he felt a wise aura in his home. Walking to the kitchen he was going to sit down at the table when he saw someone who was one of his favorite people in the world ,"GRANDPA". His grandpa Hiroto Musashi came into town upon his son's request to train his own son. Kenji said ,"I called grandpa here today to send you on a trip out to his mountain home to continue your training, my grandfather did this for me when I was a kid and I want this for you as well" Apollo replied ,"That's so cool!!! When do I get ready?". ,"Now" His father immediately replied.

Apollo, getting all of his things he needed including his bokken for training purposes went up to his grandpa with a smile on his face. Years of his grandpa telling him all the stories about his younger days of going around and beating up bad people (and people that just annoyed him) made him one of his favorite people to talk to in his family. His mother hated when Hiroto told Apollo these stories of violence to get him riled up and was a little hesitant of letting him go out with him for however long that he wanted him to train for secluded. She eventually let him go, with a lot of reluctance, but the family tradition of the Musashi's just HAD to continue.

Hiroto told Apollo ,"Hold my hand, it's time to go" ,"OK, grandpa… But I have one request" ,"And what would that be?" ,"Can my friend Cias come?" ,"Did you ask" ,"No" ,"Then go do it and get back here". Apollo running over to Cias's house finally made it and knocked on the door which was answered by Cias's mother. ,"Oh hi, what are you here for?" ,"Can Cias come train with me at my grandpa's house in the mountains?" Apollo said with sparkles in his eyes ,"I'll check with Cias". Mrs. Kain went towards Cias's room to ask and was granted by an answer and a lot of noise, in almost a second Cias's backpack was ready to go and he was ready with his practice wooden spear (Spears being the main weapon of choice in his family although they specialized in all sorts of weaponry). Cias rushed to the door and said ,"I'm ready, you?" ,"Of course".

Both Cias and Apollo walked, which turned into a jog, which turned into a sprint to Apollo's home to see who could get there first. Getting to Apollo's home, they both met up with grandpa Musashi and held his hand ,"Bye Apollo and Cias, Hope to see you see" Ella said ,"Bye Apollo" Kenji said and his sister finished with a ,"FINALLY, YOUR GONE" just before they teleported off to the mountain. Getting thrown right into the fire it was already harder to breathe there than expected for the young duo and they both heaved and hoed until they got control over their breathing. The mountain range was beautiful and it was even prettier with the Family shrine and dojo in Japan.

,"WOOAAAAH" they both exchanged, amazed by all that was encompassing their vision and senses. As they walked towards the top where the dojo was, the gravity started to get heavier and their bodies (primarily their legs) started to hurt and give out more and more as they got to the top. Hiroto explained noticing their unease to move further ,"Right now the gravity is at a times 2, the absolute lowest setting that our gravity altering machine is allowed to stay at, on this peak. It's not there for a necessity but to see who is worthy to truly train up here". Pushing through, they got stronger with each step they took as they replied with Art: Recovery for their bodies to start to adapt to the outside phonomena. The same goes for muscle power, the more you excerpt the more your muscles tear so repairing those muscles both make them stronger and a little bigger each time you work out.

Slowly, step by step they adapted little by little to their environment, and because of the coolness on top of this mountain they started to get used to that as well. ,"I want you two to find your rooms and get to bed, you guys are going to need it for the upcoming tasks and tests you are going to need to complete to get through this rigorous training". The duo were led to their rooms, each one of them excited but nervous to hear what they had to do from now on to keep up with one another and make their new sensei proud. As soon as they got into their beds their bodies almost immediately went to sleep almost as if they already knew that their future would be harsh.