Chapter 554: I Can Do Anything

She originally thought that with all those years of friendship, no matter what, she had a place in his heart.

But it wasn't until this moment that she realized she had been wrong.

Totally wrong.

Suddenly, Rebecca Kelloway felt a strong hatred.

Clearly, she was the one who knew him best, suited him the most, and loved him most sincerely.

She had loved him for over twenty years.

From the beginning of love at first sight to the lasting affection for more than two decades, her love for him almost bordered on obsession,

even though he never gave her a single sign of reciprocation.

In her heart, she still harbored hope and expectation.

She thought that someday, he would notice her goodness and be moved by her.

He would also realize that only she was the best match for him, Ashton Heath.

They were born to be a couple.

No matter when he planned to get married, the bride he would choose in the end must be her.