Chapter 642: Are You Trying to Starve Me to Death?

Joanna Lawrence's heartbeat instantly became chaotic.

Ashton Heath was flirting with her again.

It was a pity that she couldn't resist the flirting every time; with his casual moves, her heart would disobey her.

It would beat slowly one moment and quickly the next, sometimes even appearing to stop altogether.

She felt quite pathetic being so easily seduced by her husband.

But was Ashton Heath an ordinary man?

Having such a handsome husband who was particularly good at flirting, anyone would find it hard to resist.

"Cough cough, alright, no more joking around. The Film and TV Studio isn't far from Closia. I promise you, as soon as I have time, I'll come back to see you, okay?" Joanna actually didn't want to be apart for so long either.

The couple's feelings were scaling up, and neither of them wanted to part for such a long period at this time.

But love is important, and so is career.

After marrying Ashton Heath, Joanna felt tremendous pressure.