Chapter 808: 50 Million Dollars Compensation

"Sisters are the best."

Aria Rowlett sighed softly, put down her fork, and the smile on her face faded considerably.

She tilted her head back and finished the remaining beer in one gulp.

"Baby, let me ask you something."

"Hmm, go ahead."

Aria rubbed her brow, frowned in silence for a moment, and then asked, "If I told you that I accepted that check, would you think... that I'm very greedy?"

"Should I have torn up the check in front of him and told him not to trample on my dignity with a check? Actually, I did think about doing that at the time, but then I thought, why shouldn't I accept it?"

"He dared to send it, why shouldn't I dare to accept it? Just to show off that I'm proud and have self-esteem, I should reject 50 million dollars when it's offered to me? That would be stupid."