Chapter 825: Getting Closer and Closer to the Truth

So, he didn't dare to take it lightly and looked up after thinking seriously for a moment, "Mr. Parker, I can't remember many things from ten years ago very clearly. After thinking carefully just now, if I remember correctly, I did take Joanna to a banquet hosted by the Parker family that year."

"That year... I think it was summer." Benjamin Lawrence recalled as he spoke, "That was the first time the Lawrence family received an invitation from the Parker family."

For the Lawrence family, this was an honor and a surprise.

That's why he still remembered this incident.

If it were some unimportant invitations from small households, how could he remember?

Frank Parker suddenly looked up, a tumultuous surge rising in his heart, and something rapidly churned in his narrowed eyes. He asked with a slight tremble in his voice, "Are you sure? Ten years ago, you took Joanna to a banquet held by the Parker family?"