Chapter 1984: Why did you help Joanna Lawrence?

The online public opinions on Blog, which started as a unanimous attack on Joanna Lawrence, has now become half continuing to criticize her, and the other half remaining neutral and supportive of her due to the involvement of Kelvin Norman and other celebrities.

No matter how, it's much better than before.

Joanna naturally saw that many people started defending her because of Kelvin's intervention.

It was the first time she experienced this kind of support.

When she was attacked in the past, she was usually verbally abused relentlessly, with only a few of her loyal fans supporting her, while most people were attacking her and making her out to be very disgraceful.

Some fans of Maddox Allenson not only attacked her online but also stalked her outside the film crew location, intending to harm her.

In comparison, most of Kelvin's fans were generally over the age of 20, with their personal ethics already formed, making them less likely to be swayed by others easily.