Chapter 2

The airport was busy for a Thursday evening. The cell phone waiting lot was quite full. I had gotten there about 25 minutes before his plane was supposed to land. Anxiety will do that to you. I sat there in my car watching planes fly over the pink and orange sunset, wondering if any of the ones landing were him. My knee bounced unknowingly, and for some reason I yawn a lot when I'm nervous. I tried to drown out my nerves with my perfectly curated Spotify playlist, but I still counted every minute. Once it hit 7:25, I stared at my phone, waiting for his name to show up for the first time in almost a decade. I watched intently as the numbers slowly went up. 7:26. 7:27. 7:28. 7:29. Four minutes isn't a long time in reality, but for me, they were the longest four minutes of my life. It's dramatic, I know, but I had been waiting to hear from him for a lot longer than four minutes. But after all that, it took less than a second for me to see his text on my screen.

"Hey. Plane just landed. I should be at baggage claim in about 10 minutes."

My heart did stop for a minute, I'll be honest. I didn't want to wait any longer. Having to sit with my thought for any longer was not the most desirable situation I could be in. My car was a fucking mess though. I had time to stop at the gas station across the street from the airport, so I responded.

"Gonna stop by the gas station. Want a soda?"

"Dr. Pepper plz:)"

I heart the message and drive over. After I got the drinks, I started the pump and began cleaning out the trash. I was wearing a pretty short dress for no reason in particular, so whenever I bent over, the bottom of my butt cheeks would stick out. I never minded though. I liked the eyes on me. That's what pulled me to Maverick. His eyes were always on me. Not even always in a sexual way, but he liked watching me. Since I don't have that anymore, I have to find it elsewhere. As I walked around from the passenger side and I noticed a guy in his late 20s eyeing me.

"Come over here and take a picture. It'll last longer," I say loudly without turning towards him.

"I would if I could darling," he said rubbing his crotch.

"I said come here, didn't I?" I looked over.

"Really?" he said raising his eyebrows. I gave a slight nod in response.

"Don't mind if I do," he smirked and walked towards my car. Sometimes if the guy the eyes are attached to is hot, I'll show off a little more. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and I climbed head first into my car, putting my hands on the glovebox. Since I was bent over, my dress lifted up, revealing my favorite black thong. "Holy fuck," the guy said. I heard the camera on his phone click. I arched my back to show off more.

"You can touch," I looked back at him and smirked. He actually guffawed and palmed my ass. He had pretty big hands and I moaned a little.

"Come home with me," he put his face closer to my ass. Then my phone screen lit up with another text from Maverick.

"Off the plane."

He had always been a man of few words.

"Sorry sweetie not tonight. Give me your number and I'll text you," I hand him my phone with the new contact page opened. He quickly typed, handed me my phone back, and walked off. Matthew. Alright.

After that little distraction faded as I drove back to the airport, my anxiety returned. It's really time. I just have to be normal then everything will go okay.

I always hate going through the pick up lanes at the airport. It's so loud and there's too many people in the road and I just hate it. His airline was at the very end of the terminal, which I appreciated; it was less crowded. When I pulled up to the right area, I saw him leaning against the concrete column. His long frame reseted comfortably, but his muscles and furrowed brow made him looked a little mean. I had never seen him like this. His attitude had shifted from the energetic, golden retriever-like boy, to this mysterious man. I pulled over in front of him and jumped out.

"Hey!" I circled around my car over to him. Without saying anything, he pulled me into a hug. I missed his hugs. This one was more intimate than they used to be. He pressed my body against his and it's liked they melted together. I wish I could stay here.

"Hey," he said softly through his teeth. His chin was resting on my head. After one more second of this embrace, he let go and threw his suitcase in my trunk. We climbed in the car and pulled away.

"Wow, I always hate doing that," I laughed.

"Sorry I put you through it," he said adjusting his jeans.

"Oh no I really don't mind! It's good to see you again."

"Yeah you too. Plus it's an hour to my house so we have plenty of time to catch up."

Oh great. One hour of holding my breath and biting my tongue in order to not vomit from the butterflies in my stomach.

"Oh yeah! How is- um your family doing?"

"They're great, I think. Kayleigh and I split up a couple months ago. Her and Crystal live at her parents' house right now."

"Shit, I'm sorry. I had no idea," that had to be the first thing I brought up.

"Nah don't worry about it. Crystal stays with me every other weekend. And now I get to have some fun again." He paused for a moment. I could feel his eyes roaming over my body. "Speaking of fun," he said under his breath," you look great."

That made my pussy tense up. He said I looked good. No, he said I looked great. I shifted slightly in my seat, spreading my legs a little. "Ahh," I chuckled, "thank you. I got my hair done. and yeah you look, really- awesome too." Real discreet.

"Well I can't even see it when it's pulled up like that," he motioned to the hot pink banana claw clip I had holding my dark brown hair up. I was going to respond, but before I could, Maverick reached over and took the claw clip out of my hair. His hand brushed against my shoulder as he pulled his hand away and it sent a shiver down my spine. "I've always liked you with your hair down."

Wtf? Is this real life? He's told me that before. The summer we first met during our little fling, he told me one night how much he loved my hair. He's definitely hitting on me, right? He just got divorced. But a divorce is a divorce no matter how recent. "I remember you telling me that."

"Yeah, yeah, that one time," he trailed off. He's contemplating. I could see in his gorgeous deep blue eyes how he's thinking about that night. That was one of the only nights we were completely alone. There was no one else in the house, and we just laid in my bed and watched YouTube, made out, cuddled, talked. It really was an amazing night. "You gave me major blue balls that night."

That statement took me completely by surprise and I burst out laughing. "Oh you poor, poor thing! How did you ever survive?" I asked sarcastically.

"I'm serious, Cam, that drive home was torture," he laughed softly.

"Well I am terribly sorry. I hope I can find a way to make it up to you someday." Wink wink.

"I'm sure we can find something you can do, pretty girl." Jesus, this is going better than I could have ever imagined. "You know, I've been thinking about you for a while now."

I didn't know if he was looking at me or not. If I looked away from the road even for a second, I would crash instantly. I was going crazy inside. Upstairs and downstairs, iykyk. "Maverick, I-" I began to protest as I stopped at the red light, just to not seem as eager, but he cut me off.

"Oh come on," he said with his typical cocky attitude, but then he paused. I was still looking forward at the light when I feel his hand on my chin, and he gently turned my head towards him. His face was glowing red from the light emphasized by the black sky behind it. The shadow over his eyes from his furrowed brow made him look... almost hungry. Ravenous. "I know you've been thinking about me, too."

"What makes you think that?" I threw back almost immediately. I couldn't give in yet.

"Don't play coy with me, Campbell. I've always noticed how you look at me, how your eyes linger a little longer than everyone else's. You want it. I want it." He waited for an answer from me, but my brain threw out every single word other than "yes," "daddy," and "please."

There were actually a million thoughts running wild through my head, I couldn't decide which sentence to say first. I managed to muster out, "Well, we can't go to my house. Or yours."

"Go to the bank's parking garage. No one's there."

Holy fuck is this guy for real right now? Without saying anything out loud, I make a quick turn in the opposite direction of his parents' house and towards the bank. He recognized my decision and began to rub and squeeze my thigh. "Fuck," I said almost involuntarily. His hand gripped tightly and slowly moved up under my dress. "Maverick, hold on-" his fingers rubs up against my lace thong and I let out a small moan. He leaned over the glove box and started to kiss around my neck and ear. I had to fight every urge to let my eyes roll back in my head.

"Drive faster," he whispered in my ear. Either fortunately or unfortunately, we came up to another stop light right before we turned into the parking garage. I say fortunately because I was able to look away from the road for a minute or two. Once the speedometer reached zero, I turned to his, grabbed his face, and began to kiss him. A kiss that released seven years of unspoken thoughts and desires. I was pleasantly surprised to taste Aquaphor when our lips met; it made me smile. Him feeling me smile made him smile too. We had to stop kissing we were smiling so hard. We pressed our foreheads together and laughed, "I'm really glad you picked me up today."

"I'm glad I was able to," I kissed him once more before I got the green left arrow. The first floor was too risky, so I kept going. The second floor was connected to a hotel, which we both forgot about in the midst of our eagerness, so I kept going. The 3rd, 4th, and 5th floor were also all full. With every circle we made, the more we were being denied each other. My knuckles started to turn white as I gripped the steering wheel in agony. Finally, the 6th floor came into sight. Two other cars on the side closest to the elevator, and that's it. We had the entire far side of the level all to ourselves, under the conveniently broken light.

I pulled into the corner spot and threw my car in park.