19. Sweet Revenge!

Kevin's POV:

Today's agenda..

I will find her and talk to her like nothing ever happened between us. Because I can't possibly explain anything about why I treated her like the way I treated her....

It's not like I was going to explain  myself in the first place. Among all the things that I never do, explaining myself is one of them. So let's just pretend we're still on good terms. Simple!

Today I make extra efforts to look good for her. I'm planning to charm her by my good looks and style.

I wore my royal blue pants with long boots, also that stupid white shirt which is compulsory, sadly. I wore my steal framed, heptagon shape see through glasses. I checked myself in the mirror for the thousandth time.

Woah how can someone be so perfect? I want to kiss the guy in front of me, standing in the ceiling to floor mirror.


I jumped out in front of my guards and strike some poses to showoff my look. They just stare at me.. idiots.

"Young master! you need to change your pants... and boots." Rob stated flatly.

"Why? It's from the new collection and..."

"Please! we're getting late."

He cut me off between, how dare he! But it's okay as long as his point is valid. I can't be late... not today at least.

Then I got changed into sky blue ripped jeans. And wore black gucci loafers.

Ha! I still look dashing.

"How you like that.. ta da da ta da da da~~" I came back while singing.

They both gave me The Look. I placed my hand on my back and narrowed my eyes at them until they bow down. Good!

I know they're cursing me in their stupid hearts. Hahahaha...but who cares!

I waited for Paul to open the car door for me. As soon as I sit I make them play music on full volume. They were making their faces ugly for me to look.. weirdos.

I let the music run through my veins. And feel every beat in my heart. I need lots of energy, I'm getting a strange feeling like it's gonna take a lot to handle her.

But every thing will go as I planned... because the day is beautiful, and so do I.



Odds are in my favour because as soon as our car enter in college I saw a familiar figure.

"Both of you stay in the car." I gave ordered to my guards.

Then as I got out of my car I saw her, walking towards....me?

Is it just me or is she really walking in slow motion!!?

She was wearing black jeans cuffing on the bottom and sneakers, a scarf around her long neck, one side is longer than the other. Maybe that's her signature style... or something. Her side bangs were flying all over her face, and all of her hair was  hiding behind her scarf on one shoulder.

She looked..... awesome without even trying. I didn't even realized that I was smiling while looking at her.

She was only a few steps away now.





I raised my hand to say hi! And then.....

Wh...what happened? She came and go by my side! She didn't even look at me!? As if she didn't notice me!


I was standing right here! How can she....? Is she having some kind of eye problem or what? Should I be worried? Should I ask my guards to bring her back  to me so that we can go together to see the freaking doctor?

This is all because of Rob, he didn't let me wear my bright royal blue pants... that's the reason she didn't see me. Just you wait Rob I'm gonna take my revenge on you....

My hand was still in the air.

"Mas... Vin are you okay?" A deep voice brought me out of my mind.



"N.. nothing. Let's go." I've made a decision in a split second. I won't involved my bodyguards in this. This has to be between me and her.

"Yes Vin!" He said but his eyes were smiling. Did something funny happened?

I ignored him and walk ahead.

"Where's Rob?" I noticed that he was not following me.

"He went to meet someone."

I stopped and turned my neck to look at him, raising an brow in question.

"He told me yesterday that he has to borrow some notes and assignments for you."

Ugh boring! I thought he will give some interesting reason.... But what can you expect from Rob. Stupid nerd!

I just rolled my eyes and ignored him.


Amy was hiding behind a pillar, watching that handsome guy leaving with a long face.



First strike! Hahaha...

".. sweet revenge! Huh!.." A cold amused voice came from my left side making me startled to death. Thanks heavens my soul didn't left my body. Who the hell is...

"Ahh Hi senior Kaaaaaa..... What are you doing here?" Damn his name.

He raised an eyebrow then smiled anyway.

"I was watching an early morning show performed by my Junior Amy." He grinned as he surely enjoyed the said show.

"Ha ha funny!" I faked a laugh.

"So..." He seems like waiting for my answer. Did he ask something?

"So?" I raised my eyebrows for no good reason, because no body can really see them under my bangs anyway.

"So that's what you were talking about the sweet revenge thing?"

"Oh no no.. it was just the first strike. Why? Do you like it?" I wiggle my eyebrows at him, but he didn't smile back.

Ahh he can't see my eyebrows because of my  bangs. Damn the wiggling.

"Ummm maybe. It was good.... 8 out of 10 from me"

"Uhh? Where did the 2 points left?" I swear I gave my one hundred percent. I was practicing the whole morning while waiting for him to come.

"I was waiting - when you were walking in slow motion - for an intense eye contact. But you didn't even glance at him." He looked disappointed.

"Oh even though you have a point. But if I looked him in the eye and then left.. he would know that I was ignoring him. But I just left like a stranger." I explained my act of... whatever to him.

He just remains silent as if thinking something.... deeply.

"I see.... 9 out of 10 then."

"Huh??? Why?"

"Well I was waiting for a hair flip too..." He said sternly, making me laugh.


He looked at his cellphone's screen.

"I have to take this call." He smiled... sweetly at the screen, making me a little curious.

"Okay. I'm leaving too.. I have to meet someone."

"See you around!"

"Have a nice day senior Cameron!" I smiled and jumped down the three stairs at once to go. He was watching me, his eyes widened for a second as if I jumped down from a cliff. Haha!


Karl's POV!

That not-so-silly girl just jumped down the stairs and ran away... At least not from me I'm sure. Haha!


My cellphone was still vibrating in my hand, I answered the call.

"Hey Pier! Missed me?"

"Haha.. you wish! I just call to ask what happened?"

I took a deep breath before answering.

"Nothing.. I was following his stupid car the whole way but nothing unusual happened. He just left with Paul."

"Where's Rob?"

"I saw him going towards the main department. Maybe my crazy cousin has an early class today..." I laughed.

"No he doesn't." Pier almost shouted.


"His class is at the usual time... Are you sure he was going to the class? Maybe something happened. Go and check." She ordered me from the other side of the line. I just rolled my eyes.

Why did I end up like this....!

"Sinclair?? Are you there? Hello!"

"Yeah darling! I am here and I heard you loud and clear. But I'm getting late too. Why don't you call Rob and asked him what's going on!"

"Okay. But please take care of him. I don't want him to be followed again." She requested for the thousandth time.

"Yeah don't worry." I said before hanging up.

My question still stands why do I end up like this.....!?


Pier's POV:

Yesterday Rob informed me about Vin being followed. He even send me the pictures of the guys they captured. They were still keeping them in the warehouse for interrogation. I wanted to go to the Knight's villa to check young master's mental condition personally.

But before I go there I got a video call from Vin. He told me the whole scene in details. He basically give a freaking live performance for me to see, as if he was afraid that I would missed one of his grandeur performances.

Even though he was giving me annoyingly minor details I listened to him carefully giving my full attention. After all being followed is not a fun thing, not when you are the first son of freaking Mafia clan.

What if he got traumatized again? Even the mere thought his scary..

I looked at the pictures carefully in case I've seen them before. I personally wanted to go and  see how's the investigation is going myself. But Karl.....

I looked at pictures making myself angry. How dare they followed Vin on his freaking second day in college.!

I'm happy that Vin is fine and unharmed. He handled the situation very well. I am surprised he didn't end up being kidnapped. Well he can be smart in emergencies because his survival instincts are more accurate than anyone else's in the Knight's Villa.

Like if you start an open firing at the villa, and everyone got shot even then Vin would walk out without even a slight scratch on his body, shouting and throwing tantrums about too much annoying noises in the house. Haha!

I was laughing when Karl came silently. He looked a little puzzled. I wanted to ask him first but then I remembered the more important thing.

I've told him every thing from A to Z what Rob and Vin told me and he just listened carefully while thinking about something else. I even showed him the pictures of the followers in case he recognizes them. But he didn't seems to know anything.

For a few minutes we both went silent. Something is running wild in his mind. Well he'll tell me if that's important for me to know.

As for me something is not felt right. I was walking around left to right and then right to left. Walking sometimes helps when you've got something in your mind.

But this time maybe I should talk to Karl and not only to myself.
