22. Amy X Kevin (ii)

Kevin's POV:

"If not, what would you do?" Little flirting won't hurt, Right?

"..." She didn't seems to know how to reply flirty question.. which is a good thing in my opinion, by the way.

"I am fine. F-I-N-E." I almost yelled in irritation.

"Are you by any chance following me?" She asked out of the blue.

"Wh..what!?" Excuse me I've never followed anyone!

"If no then why are you here and sitting on someone else's chair?"

Ahh I see.... Damn you Rob!

"It's my seat." I held my head high.

"No it's not!"

"Yes it is from now on.. do you have a problem!" I shouted in high pitched voice, making her blink a few times.

"...not really..."

"Or do you miss the guy who used to sat here before?" I narrowed my eyes at her.

"HELL NO!!" She shouted too loud making not just me but herself surprised too. Sweet!

I was happy like she didn't even hesitate before replying. I'll spare you Rob. Hahahahaha.

"It's just I see you for the first time in class and I didn't know that we had classes together..." she mumble to herself.

"What are you both talking about? Talking during class is not allowed! Stand up!" A rude voice hit my eardrum. Who the hell is this?

Ahh teacher!

When did he came? Wait when did the class started? I looked at her who seems to had the same question as me.

"Both of you stand up!!" Teacher said while pointing with his marker. I just rolled my eyes as if I ever do as he asked.

Amy stood up immediately so I kind of did the same. So that she doesn't feel alone...

"What's your name!?" That teacher asked while looking at the journal on his podium. Don't tell me he's looking for our names there!

He looked up waiting for us to answer his question. I placed my hand on my waist before answering him.

"Vin, Kevin Hart Knight!"

As he heard my surname, color of his face changed a few times. He looked hilarious Haha!

From the corner of my eye I saw some of students were looking up at my face. I gave them a look saying 'yeah this is what the first son of Knight family looked like'.

I was not surprised that they recognize my surname. Knight had a great reputation here because of both my brothers Klem and Ken. People here know my dad too, the great Knight. He's the chancellor or something of this whole college. In short, my ancestors were the founder of this college.

Now that I'm thinking, my psycho cousin Karl has a separate reputation too, mainly because of his psychotic personality. But people doesn't really know that we're cousins. Karl doesn't like to acknowledge our relationship, especially after our mothers died. His mother and mine were sisters, now they're both gone, so he doesn't want to be related to us. Which is kinda sad, but I won't admit it openly.

Everyone was looking at me in awe, including teacher. Maybe I should be proud for my family's achievements.

"Y..you can sit." The teacher stutter a little..

I sat back like a freaking King. Among them only she was the one who seems to be oblivious. I don't think she recognized my name.. or maybe she didn't heard it clearly. Should I repeat myself! Nahh that won't be cool.

"Ahhmm what about you?" Teacher cleared his throat before pointing at her.

"Amy, Sir." She didn't even bother to say her full name. But still she seems to respect the teacher who was now looking at his journal. Maybe he was checking her attendance in class or something.

"So Amy.. tell me why are you dressed like that? Where's your proper college uniform?" He stare down at her attire.

She just bow down without answering. I wanted to shout at the teacher for making her speechless but on second thought I also wanted to know where is her college uniform!

I noticed that other girls were wearing skirts as college uniform, only she wore pants. But those are the nice pants so I don't see any problem!?

"We don't have the whole day for your answer... Go and stand outside the classroom!"

What the.... !

How dare he!

I looked up at her she was about to leave her chair. I slapped my knee and shouted.

"Is she a little girl! Is this an elementory school or something! You can't punish her like that..!" I said loud and clear so that every one can hear - not only the inside but outside of the classroom too.

That good for nothing teacher was too stunned to say anything.

She didn't realize that I was helping her. She just grabbed her bag and books.

"What are you doing? Wait! Where are you going? I'm talking some sense in the teacher here." I said and the whole class just gasped, bloody losers. Not even one of them raise their voice for justice.

"Kevin Hart! Don't disrespect our teacher!" She said in low but clear voice that I'm sure everyone including the teacher heard.

Wait did she call me by my..... name!

My eyes widened at her. I never knew that my name was so cool and nice.

She was leaving and I just watched her back without saying anything further. I kinda lost all of my fighting spirit because of her.

Damn my heart!

"Umm excuse me sir!" She stopped and looked at the teacher. "What is the today's lesson about?"

"Renaissance age!"

"Thank you! Have a nice day!" She smiled.

"Wait! Where are you going?" Teacher was a little puzzled.

"To the library."

"But I just told you to go outside and stand."

"Oh yeah I heard that. But I don't want to waste my time while standing and doing nothing." Teacher raised his eyebrows.

"With all respect, Sir I came to college for study.. and you want me leave the class because I was not wearing a skirt."

Her blunt answer make his expression change. She raised her hand in the air as if surrendering to the damn teacher.

"Fine I'll leave. But that doesn't mean I won't study. If you're not going to teach me, I'll go to the library and teach myself. Thank you very much!" She faked smiled before leaving.

She turned and leave just like that. Wow amazing! I want to give her a standing ovation.

I noticed that I was not the only one admiring her style, her boldness. I heard few phrases coming from all around me 'Yeah that's our Amy' , 'freaking savage' , 'girl's crush' , 'coolest exit of the year'. ...

I was kinda proud of her. She doesn't need anyone to speak for her. That's why she didn't want me to help her.

Class seems boring without her, I kinda want to leave too. But maybe I should just sit and note down every thing for her. It feels like I was the reason behind this whole drama.

But I'm not regretting. It was actually fun to be a part of this whole drama or should I say being a reason of this whole drama!



"Where's the library?" As soon as I left the class I asked my robot.

He just stood there looking surprised and all. Maybe he didn't heard me, I noticed he was busy with his phone doing something.

"Forget it. Where's Paul?" I asked he just raised his eyes above my head.

I turned around to look and almost had a mini heart attack.

"What the hell Pole boy! Why are you standing so close?" I shouted while kicking him but that idiot just stand tall.

After tiring myself a little I asked them to take me to the library. They looked so stunned as if I asked them to take me to the Saturn.

"Why do you want to go there?" Rob asked as if I will tell them about my Amy. Ha! dream on!

"I just wanted to mourn some unfortunate trees while walking around the library." I said making them sigh in defeat. Haha.



Maybe I read them wrong earlier. That was not the sigh in defeat at all.. they grabbed my arms from left and right and dropped me near my next class.

Bloody hell my whole throat went sour because of all the shouting I did while on my way here. They will suffer from a headache too for sure.

Damnit I want to see if she was doing fine! Or does she needs my shoulder to cry on..

I closed my eyes to imagine her crying face while sitting in a corner of the damn library.

Ahh I wanted to escape this classroom but I can't as long as my boys are standing on guard somewhere outside this classroom.

Suddenly someone kicked my damn chair from behind, making my heart almost jumped out of my mouth.

I turned around furiously who the hell wanted to die young?!?

"Oh fish I didn't mean to kick I was just...." She was uttering.

My mouth fell open, she looked at my face then throws her head back in exasperation.

I can't believe this.. Freaking Rob! I thought he was suffering but in reality he was living in sweet heaven all this time, in place of mine!!

"You've got to be kidding me!" She shouted at my handsome face. A not-so-good grin appear on my face.

Who said miracles don't happen! Bring him here because I want to kick some sense in him.
