25. Not so oblivious Klem..

Klement's POV:

Last night Karl text me that he had something to talk about. We supposed to be meeting before class but now I'm late all because of my good-for-nothing crazy brother!

I was walking towards my faculty and saw no one. I furrowed my brows a little. Where did everyone go? As I was walking hastily in corridor someone bumped into me.

A girl!

I just stayed in my place, but her balance were all over the place. I had to held her in one place. Her eyes widen in horror maybe she's predicted herself falling down.

She looked up at me and then kept looking at me. She was invading my personal space, making me a little uneasy.

"Watch where you're going!" I said in my usual voice.

"Sorry sir!" She hurriedly took a step back and look down.

Sir....!? I tilted my head a little to have a better look because her fringes were all over her face. Then she looked up.

"Good morning" she said while smiling at me. Even her eyes seems to smile with her mouth.

Woah looking at her this closed she's kinda..... beautiful, without even trying...

Suddenly I heard a loud laugh, I raised my eyes to look behind her, she heard the disturbing sound too but didn't turn to look back. Smart girl!

"Karl! What are you doing here?" I asked a little loudly.

"I should be leaving. Have a nice day sir!" I heard her clear voice. Before I could even say anything she dashed out.

I was still standing, kinda confuse for no reason.


"You are late... Sir!" Bloody Karl come to mock me.

"Ha ha funny!" I just shook my head.

"So....What do you think.?" He nodded at the way where that girl disappear.

"... about her? Why?"

"Out of curiosity!" He lied.

"New face, new look!" I shrugged.

"Not so ordinary, in my opinion." He sounded thoughtful and amused at the same time.

"Is she important!?" I lifted an eyebrow.

"Maybe.... I don't know!"

"Well I just saw her for like three minutes... I can't say anything about... her."

"I'm not buying that.." He walked ahead ignoring me.

"Should I call Pierette!" I tease a little.

"Ha ha how funny!" He rolled his eyes.

We walked a few steps without speaking. Then I started again.

"I noticed how your mere presence frightened all of the students in the corridor..!"

He smirked a little looking around, finding not a single soul wandering.. he then shook his head and.... smiled?

Maybe I should get serious now because Karl is not someone who'll be interested in some random.... in a girl to be exact.

"How do you come to know her? I don't think I saw her before..."

"She's not in our faculty. Her major is Literature." He said making me stop on my track.

"Same as Vin?" I lifted my eyebrows.

"Same as Vin." He repeated with a smirk. "So what do you think about her...now?" He asked again looking at me intently.

"As in....? Is this about my brother?" I narrowed my eyes at him.

He just grinned at that, getting all of my attention now.

"Hey cousin!" I said "...are you planning something?" He gave me a look like I was the dumbest guy he ever seen on earth. How dare he? I just lifted my eyebrows in question.

"You know what... forget it!" He stated flatly, giving me a look that I don't really like...

We just stare at each other for a good minute. Then I backed away frowning.

"Fine! So what is it about? Why did you texted me last night?"

"For nothing..." He start walking.

"Now you're making me laugh!!" I said seriously in my deep voice almost growling behind him.

"Then laugh!" He glared back equally and left.

Now what in the hell was that? I kinda felt stupefied standing alone in this long corridor. I glared at his back.

Bloody devil's unwanted child!



After that day I didn't see that strange girl again, I was even about to forget her. Karl didn't mention her either, maybe because we were not talking at all.

I even heard that Vin wasn't complaining about the college thing anymore. Which is a good thing for everyone, but why did it make me feel anxious?

This was supposed to be his second freaking day at college. Everything was going smoothly but later that day I heard that our people took two stalkers from our college to the warehouse.

I was furious and annoyed at the news, not a day pass without causing a headache.

Why is my life so tough!

I was relieved to know that our troublemaker is fine and unharmed.

I'll be lying if I said I didn't see that coming. Whenever Vin go outside things like this happened all the time. Even my crazy brother stopped reacting about these stuff at one point.

I wanted to break all the bones in their damn bodies. How dare they followed my brother!



Even though he seems fine after coming back from the warehouse, but I know him better. Something is disturbing him but what! I tried to talk to him but he just keep yelling about stupid stuffs.

I'm not that clueless as they think. Just because I'm not saying anything doesn't mean I didn't notice them at all. He's trying his best to hide something. Should I force Robert and Paul to spill everything they know!?

At warehouse I noticed him closely, for the first time ever in his whole damn life he didn't seemed afraid or annoyed by the people who comes after him. He looked at the guy in the eye. I felt his anger, he's a chill guy who doesn't give a damn about the world or it's inhabitants.

He even told me to kill the guy which is not that surprising as he wanted to swap half of the annoying and boring world away, like Thanos, by snapping his fingers.

Maybe I should talk to Pierrete about everything personally. No one can read Vin better than her, his psychiatrist.



Later that night when we came back from the warehouse. I asked Robert to come to my office who looked slightly nervous for some reason. At first I wanted to ask about what Vin was whispering to him earlier, but on the second thought I think I should stay down a bit and observe everything. Maybe I'll catch the whole thing later..

I asked him to make sure Vin go to all of his classes from now on, and never to leave him alone outside the faculty area.

He just bow down and left, feeling relieved.

Yeah they're definitely hiding something..


I kept staring at the door while rotating my heir ring.
