chapter 5 the beginning of the bloody purge of the wild wolfs

To day is the beginning of our battle of against the wild wolfs Johnny said to his bug commrads with a big pep talk until he realized the bugs didn't understand his words

He began to build a sand trap in an open area in about an hour the sand trap was done he also set out to make some wooden shivs which he plans on using to launch though trip wires in the area he began at dawn and didn't end till dusk he built 12 sand traps and allmost 200 trip wires in the surrounding area each sand trap could deal with a pack of almost 12 wolfs on its own so now with the sleeping bag our hero prepared before hand he sets up a camp fire with the shavings from the wooden shivs and goes to sleep

With the camp fire burning through the night as a beacon and the wolfs began to come from around the area In the area the number of wolfs the trip wires the wolf striped the trip wires and the wolfs that fell that night in the middle of the new year just less then a month after the winter solstice the wolfs that died numbered almost 600 in number the sand traps each took down 8-12 wild wolfs a piece with there being 123 in total of dire wolfs that died in just sand traps the rest where killed with the shivs

With this the number of wolfs and corpses that need to be processed and more such as meat, hides, bones, organs, teeth, claws and ectra

With the help of his pets he sent them to go to an area where his mom and dad go every morning to look at the sunrise and sent a letter to ask for there help dealing with the corpses of the 593 wild wolf corpses that he now has and his mom and dad agreed to help with it and went to him and saw the seen of a small mountain of corpses johnnys father was impressed he used his beasts and his wits to kill so many wolfs over the corse of the day all of those wolfs were prossesed and the meat went into the family cellar for it to be turned into jurky and eaten later

Then the broken shivs were replaced with new ones and reloaded the sand traps were emptied and all the materials were gathered and stored away for safe keeping with that he did the same thing the next night and he was surprised to find that his family couldn't handle any more materials and began the process of loading the cart his family used to transport items his materials the bones teeth organs as well as some of the claws and went to sell them each wild wolf claw is valued at as much as a 1/10 copper coin the materials that were sold amounted to as much as 14 silver coins and 40 copper coins which is a value that could feed a common family for 1/2 a year and he still has the meat and the pelts of the wild wolfs

With that our hero began to ask his dad if there was a better way to make more money his dad said if you don't mind spending some time helping me with some building projects that I've put off for some time johnnys dad said

Johnny said he'll yeah dad some building between father and son will do us some good I say

So a building Montage began where Johnny and his father started to with the help of there pets cut down trees into logs the refine them into boards after that a 2 large holes were dug out of a pair of areas near there house that was almost ready for construction and with the help of the desert worm princess the hole was perfect in size then they stacked the boards and used hot melted silk rather then nails to pin the walls with duel layers of wood each of which layers are 2 inches thick each then layered on top of each other

Then the walls went up and the duel floor of the first structure as a smoke house for curing meat was f diffrent kinds this structure is a structure of 20 feet by 20 feet by 10 feet a total on each floor as well as a marinade room for marinading meat after the place was set up a large amount of meat to be marinated in the honey to be placed inside the marinade room

Then he began the other building and started with the walls and worked his way inside the ground fridge was built to be much bigger in leangth and width which is just enough to be considered twice as much in length and width with a boost to the floors by adding 2 floors above and a second floor below with a total of 5 floors two sub basement and one ground level 2 above ground level for storage with the help of his father he built shelves for storage and more cabinets with a ground fridge in the rooms below

It took him almost a month to do so and then when he was done winter is almost over he stored the pelts and the meat

That building is about 40 feet by 40 feet in length and width that means each floor is the size of 1600 feet for five floors 8000 feet of storage

And so he headed back and began the hunt of the wild wolfs at the end of the day he brought around 500 just in 1 day over the week he brought almost almost 3300 wild wolfs from his traps and filled up all the storage of his family that he just built it

Each wild wolf as a level 5 gives 10 exp per level with these monster the average monster will give between 10 -1000 exp per level

So she obtained 225000 exp