Chapter 7: Show me What you Got

Stepping into the building Vorden was left awed. The inside was different from the outside.


That's the first word that came to Vorden's mind. That was the only word Vorden could use to describe the sight before him.

The inside of the building was different from the outside. The outside looked like an old rotten building with molding paint. But the inside... Oh boy, was it gorgeous? The floors and the walls were adorned with gold, the chandelier was made of diamonds.

Even saying they were rich was an understatement. Vorden looked around and caught a glimpse of the No Hold Bars fights. He didn't dare go there. He was already so much weaker than Layla; even an average NPC was enough to put him in a hospital bed. If he could call them that.

Vorden shifted his gaze to where the rap competitions were taking place. On the stage was a girl in a hoodie and a man with dreads.

"Why does this seem like 'To Pick Grinding'?" Vorden thought remembering a famous movie from his real life.

"All right, y'all know what time it is." a man said into a microphone. He was the commentator in charge of the competition.

" It's time for the Battle Royale. Two rappers will battle it out for the first time in the ring, to slowly move up the ladder to earn one million dollars! We only accept 20 contestants in total." he continues.

"Coming to the stage first..." a man stepped onto the stage that looked like a boxing ring. He looked like someone had stepped out of a teen magazine. He had shiny black hair and delicate facial features. He whispered to the commentator. "He goes by the name D-Boss!!"

"WOOO! D-BOSS. My man!!"

"Oh my gosh, I think he just stared at me. Check my makeup is it okay."

"Dang, D-Boss himself came. Isn't he rich? Why would he need the prize money?"

"Yeah, he is also close friends with the host of this party: The Corporate Heir of PK Finances himself."

"Don't you know? They made a bet with each other and he lost. As a result, he needs to win this competition, or else he would have to video himself juggling his boxers only in his boxers."

"I heard about that. But, D-Boss is a really good rapper so he would win with a breeze."


Cheers erupted from the crowds after hearing his name. He seemed to be fairly popular around here.

A girl also walked up the stage. She was wearing a hoodie that covered her hair. She also whispered to the commentator.

"Coming to the stage second... She goes by the name Lil' Torrent." The commentator then flipped a coin and asked her heads or tails.

"Heads," she said.

"It's tails. D-Boss, you go up first." the commentator passed him a microphone.

"Yo, hoodie guy, you think you're a menace?

Barely five feet, you ain't even fit to be an apprentice.

You step to me like you're ready for war,

But your punches hit softer than my grandma's snore.

Short fuse, short height, yeah, that's your freaking plight,

Need a friggin' ladder just to reach the mic tonight.

You hide in that hoodie, pretty scared to be seen,

But I'm out here shining like a rap machine.

Take your bars, pack 'em up, you're through

And tell your mom she raised a clown, **** you." D-Boss said looking into his opponent's eyes.

"This just a rip off of 'To Pick Grinding'," Vorden said, realizing the rap lyrics were almost a complete replica of the movie.

"Wait a minute, D-Boss ain't playing no games a'ight? Because if she anything like her daddy was, she gonna bring the heat." The commentator said.

"Nah! Nah! Nah! She probably like a momma trying to sell *ss for a hit." D-Boss said smirking.

"What the heck did you just say? Say it again, I dare you! You know what, I'm out!!" tears welled in her eyes as she ran away.


"Dang, that must have hurt."

"Now that I take a closer look, that looks like Claire Zayne!"

"Claire Zayne, you mean the daughter of the rap legend Torrence Zayne."

"Woah, the pressure? Well, I guess she isn't the same breed as her father."


The crowd conversed after seeing the commotion. Some recognized who she was and spread the info to others. Her father was a legend around this part. He was a rap legend to be exact.

"I knew I shouldn't have come. I'm sorry, Dad; I failed you..." She bumped into someone as she was running and muttering under her breath. She looked up and saw a man staring back at her.

"No need for tears. Leave this to me." Vorden walked to the stage after consoling her.

"If it is 'To Pick Grinding' you want it's what you will get," Vorden said to himself.

"Is there space for me to cut in?" Vorden asked.

"Show me what you got?" D-Boss said with his hands on his head brushing his hair.