Chapter 12: Tutorial I

A man is seen loading a truck with various household goods. The truck was as big as an elephant exactly resembling a moving truck.

"Phew! Today was a great haul" the man said smiling. "Who knew working for her will be this beneficial. She would be so happy about this. After looking at everything it should cost around 1.5 million. I will take…" he touched his fingers calculating his gain happily.

"Jerry, today is one heck of a heist." walking back into the house the man said.

As he entered fully into the building, he saw the man he referred to as Jerry. Jerry was presently acting strangely. He was touching all over is body, raising and dropping his hands, jumping up and down. He was doing all this with his back face to the man, hence he couldn't see Jerry's facial expression. 

"Is everything alright, man?" the man said worried and a little wary. Jerry was a chubby man with a huge paunch and wasn't the brightest bulb but he wasn't so… weird. 

Instead of answering him, Jerry stopped what ever the heck he was doing and froze completely. He just stood almost perfectly still.

"Jerry? You are scaring me man. What's going on? You know you can talk to me, right?" nervous beads of sweat dripped down his forehead. He got a bit closer to Jerry but was still wary.

"If something's the matter, we can talk it out, yeah. From buddy to bu…" 


Before the man could even finish speaking, he was uppercutted straight in the jaw by the man he believed to be Jerry.


That was the only word he manage to get of his mouth before his vision became pitch black.


He fell straight into the ground unconscious.

"Phew! That was close. If I hadn't put enough force he might have fought back. Now I'm sure I am in real life, those monsters in the game are much stronger, my punch would be like an itch. Too bad I took him out like POW!! Good luck waking from that you thief." Jerry, who was in fact possessed by Vorden, said with a laugh. 


*+0.05 EXP GAINED*

"Ah!" a familiar screen like hologram appeared in front of him.

"This is like a game, so I should be able to my home page and status"


[STATUS] [10.05/100 EXP] [LEVEL 1] 

 [0 EXP USED] 00:00:00 time left



*Please pick an option 

A typical video game screen replaced the notification as if in response to Vorden's thought.