Darkness. That's all I had known since my father showed me his love. His sincere love. I still remember his ominous appearance which I beheld when I was a new born. However, at the same time I remembered my mother's Ethel countenance.
They both loved me and one day I would find another person who would love me and cherish me as a spouse. Just as mother was loved and cherished by father. In the darkness I felt myself growing, with such thoughts. Thoughts that sometimes comforted me but also depressed me.
Strangely, in this same darkness, I was learning. The knowledge was flowing to me from the darkness. I knew I could read even though I had never seen any piece of writing, I knew that I could speak eloquently despite only hearing voices when I was in mother's womb., I could write despite not touching a pen in my lifetime and since the days I came to existence, I could understand everything said to me. I'm other words, I was fully educated.
Despite not growing up with my family, I didn't really feel like I lost anything. I was educated. I was loved endlessly by both of my parents , even now, still being in my father's stomach was a sign of love.
I was sure of it. My mother didn't lie when she told me both herself and father loved me. Right? However, denote these assurances I repeatedly gave myself, I always felt a strange emptiness within me. I felt hallow, but I didn't know why.
The threads of time continued being woven. Even within the morbid abyss in which I had grown accustomed to. I had become aware of two other existences in the darkness, as they had become aware of me. I knew they were like me. I knew they were older than me.
Most importantly, I knew they were all my sisters, I knew this because father showed me his love the same way. They were probably the first to be shown father's sincere love. I could not explain how I knew all this, but it was similar to how I was fully educated. This knowledge just seemed to seep into me from the darkness.
Time continued to slowly ebb away. I continues to grow and grow. Both physically, mentally and psychologically. With time ticking away, the number of people consumed by my father increased. This time they were boys. This time they were younger than me. Most importantly, they were my brothers. I could feel their fear when they were initially swallowed.
Slowly their fear transformed to hatred as they grew. I completely understood. Hatred was inevitable after our father showed us his first sign of love. I initially felt it from my older sisters but I brushed it off as something that would pass, because mother said father loved us.
However, if he truly loved us, wouldn't he have let us live in freedom outside of the darkness. In the light, which I only saw a glimpse of when I was younger. I understood their hatred because I had also began to carry hatred of my own. It was malignant. It was fearful. It was festering within all of us. All of us who had grown in the darkness.
One day, when I was coiled up in the darkness, I felt a presence outside it. It was not the presence of my mother, father or any of his associates.
It was a presence closely related to me. It was my blood. It gave off a similar aura to my brothers who were trapped in the darkness. However, I was sure it was not my brother. My father, never failed to swallow his children, we five children who were swallowed were a witness of this. He couldn't be our brother, could he?
Before I could further question anything. The darkness started to become murky and less solid and it started pushing me away. It was pushing me upwards. Upwards , upwards, upwards. Then light. I saw light. I saw light for the first time since my father swallowed me. It was beautiful. It was glorious. It was refreshing. I blinked several times and felt the darkness behind me pushing me again and I landed Don the solid ground. More people landed next to me. We were all covered in a vile, reached smelling fluid.
I sat up. The ground beneath me and the light around me, reminding me of my freedom. My oh so beautiful freedom. I looked at those around me who were also covered white fluid and I felt their presence. They were my siblings. All my siblings. We were all free. Relief flooded me. I wanted to call put to them, however the forget presence which I felt in the darkness approached me from behind. I turned. I was greeted with the visage of a young man .
He spoke urgently and quickly as he approached." I am Zeus, your brother."
With those words, he transformed into a winged animal and beckoned us to do the same. I do not know how I did it, but I did it. I transformed into the same winged creature he transformed himself into.
Before I knew ot he opened his wings and took off. I turned to see my siblings had taken his lead and were following him. I unflured my wings hurriedly and started to take off.
Suddenly, I felt one of my wings being roughly Grasped and I turned around to see the horrible countenance of my father. I let out a loud cry and struggled against his vice grip. My siblings turned and saw my plight and within seconds they came to my rescue. Mercilessly pecking our father's hand.
Suddenly he was deeply scratched by one of my siblings on his face. Blood gushed out and he let out a loud cry of pain . He let fo of my wing and reach for his fresh wound. This small battle all this transpired in less than two minutes. With my freedom from my father's grasp, we all bolted away.
Vanishing from our screaming father's sight. Vanishing from his darkness and going into our freedom.