Backseat Adventure part 4

Continue to part 3.........

Once the car was out of sight Nara lost it. She let out a terrible shriek that was full of pain, anger, and sorrow. Nara dropped on her hands and knees and started sobbing uncontrollably. I could not have felt more guilt in my whole life and doubt I ever will again. Here I had practically rapped my little sister and hurt her more then I could imagine and the evidence was plainly visible. My cum visibly leaking from her swim suit now and about to drip to the ground. I stood there confused as my sister cried watching in terrible fascination as the glob of my own cum dripped from my sister's no longer virgin pussy. Once my cum finally reached the ground I figured I should do something.

"Nara, I am.." I never got to finish.

"DON'T TALK TO ME!" she shrieked again. "Just leave me alone."

And I did. For a full week we did not speak. Unless we had to we did not even occupied the same room. If either of us entered a room with the other we would either turn around and leave or the other would vacate the room. During that week I spoke with Jessica a few times. Her flirting clearly indicating she hoped I would ask her out. Believe me I wanted to and I would have but it just did not seem right to start dating right after what happened between Nara and me. I had to make sure to resolve the issue with my sister. I am not sure we could but at least enough to put it behind us. I was thinking about talking to Nara that day but she beat me to it.

"My period started today," she said.

She was far to causal in how she said it. I however flipped when I heard this. "Wait what! You mean this whole time you could have been pregnant?" I said in disbelief.

She was not pleased with my response either. She glared at me with her response, "of course you idiot. You cam inside me. That is how babies are made."

"No, I know, I mean, what," I could not get my thoughts across. "Um, what I mean is I thought you took a pill or something."

"I do not have birth control. I was a virgin until you raped me." she said critically.

The word rape was a bit harsh I thought but I could not really argue with it. "Look I am sorry, I truly am but it was an accident. If you got pregnant it would be just as big a problem for me as it would be for you. If you were afraid you could have been pregnant you should have told me."

Nara was taken aback by this. "You mean it? You would have helped?"

My turn to be angry. "Of course I would have! Don't you know me at all?"

"Sorry," she said.

I let out a sigh, "it's ok. It's over now."

"I guess," she said as she looked away. She was clearly still depressed with the whole affair. I could not blame her. So was I but what else could we do?

Next few days things did not really go back to normal but they did get better. We did not avoid each other any more but it was still uncomfortable to talk with one another. It was maybe thee or four days later that inspiration struck. Was it a great idea? Maybe not but I had to try. I spent the day picking up a few things, not all easy to get mainly due to being too nervous but I managed. When I was ready though I approached Nara again.

Knock, knock.

"Who is it?", Nara called from her room.

"Its me. Can I come in?" I asked.

There was a long pause before she answered, "fine, come in."

I walked in and found Nara sitting cross legged on her bed and her arms folded. She was not hostile but she was not pleased to see me. I pulled up a chair and sat across from her.

"What do you want," she said.

"I want to talk about what happened," I said.

Her eyes narrowed, "I don't want to talk about it."

"Hold up, hear me out," I continued.

"Make it quick," she demanded.

"Can we both agree it was a bad experience for the both of us?" I asked.

She did not answer. Instead she gave me a look that suggest the answer was so obvious I was stupid to have asked. Not the way I had planed the conversation but I had to ask. "Look I know I hurt you. Losing your virginity by being forced to ride your brother in the back seat of a crowed car is not the way you or anyone would have expected to lose it. It is certainly not how I had expected to lose my virginity."

Nara's face softened at that. Perhaps she had not thought about my virginity.

I continued, "its true. I would have expected the occasion of my first time to be more special then forced copulation with my sister. I am not going to lie though. The body enjoyed it, even yours did, but not by choice."

She glared at me again her anger flaring and was about to say something when I quickly cut her off. "That is why I am here though. I don't want your first time or mine to be remembered as a horrible and traumatic experience."

"Too late for that," she scoffed.

"Perhaps so but that doesn't mean we can't do something about it", I said.

"O'really?" she quipped. "And what do you think you can do about it? Got a time machine?" Her sarcasm and disbelief in a solution was so strong I almost lost confidence in the idea entirely. I paused and almost gave it up. I was about ready to leave when I remember how crushed I was when I saw my cum dripping from her used pussy and how she cried.

I took a deep breath, "why don't we do it again? Only this time we do it right."

The silence was painful but I waited. Nara's mouth was slightly a gap as her wide eyes simply bore holes in me. I crossed my arms and maintained as straight a face as possible and refused to lose eye contact.

Eventually she shook her self and blinked rapidly several times. Pulling her gaze away she asked in a squeaky voice, "what?"

I remembered to start breathing again when I replied, "I am saying our first time was a terrible experience and we should fix it by having sex properly." I had finally said it, that wonderful and terrible three letter 'S' word.

Nara's wit returned at the mention of the word sex. "Oh how noble," she said feigning helplessness. "A brother 'accidentally' cums in his little sister and to say sorry graciously offers to do so again." After ending the charade she followed up with, "what the fuck is wrong with you. You didn't get enough the first time? Can't wait to bang your sister again? Fucking disgusting."

The words were harsh but I had expected them. I really wanted her to understand. I spoke slowly and clearly making sure to keep eye contact and as I spoke I started leaning in. "Of course not. Do you think I ask this 'lightly'? Do you really think I don't 'realize' what I am asking? I even got condoms and birth control to make it 'safe'. I have thought about it. A lot. It is not about whether you say yes or no. It is about letting you know what I am willing to do to make it right."

She turned away and laughed half heartedly while I tried to maintained my composure. She looked at me again and turned away and repeated this a few times while her laughter died down. Until she finally looked at me and said in almost a whisper, "you're serious?"

"I am," was all I said.

Nara held a fist over her mouth and stared at the ground with her other arm crossed tightly a crossed her chest. After a moment of silence she spoke and said, "I will have to think about it."

"Of course," I said as I got up and left. Once back in my own room I collapsed and found my whole body was trembling from the experience. I could not believe I had actually asked such a ludicrous thing. I had accomplished what I had set out to do though. I had let her know how I felt and gave her the option to do the same. I however was satisfied with where it was. I honestly had not ever expected or planned on her ever accepting the offer since it was really just the offer itself that was the real solution.

Things went back to normal for me after that. I felt great. I was even going to ask Jessica out. Problem was Nara was worse then ever while she contemplated my offer.