Children of Vihorlat (20)

“Samuel, look at the road, the Americans are already moving with their crew to the forest management. This will fit our plan for today. They are going with their vans so the whole crew with cameras is going. They will deal with the soldiers and we will slip to the other side. That’s what we wanted. I just received a message that we should be at the primary school at ten in the evening and from there we will go to the place in the woods.”

Samuel had an issue coping with the heat and he constantly wiped himself with tissues. The physically weak boy courageously agreed to this difficult and big event.

“I wish it was evening already because I’m so sick of this heat. I would much rather run into the forest than bear this. I can’t wait.”

The honking of cars and the sudden screeching of tires during an unexpected break was always around. It was a complete chaos. There were even people measuring distance there and they placed their equipment on the side of the road.