Aakifahlynn never did any of these things, and she almost fell off the chair when Piper took the gentleman's entire third leg into her mouth, making a gagging and slurping sound.
She had tilted her head sideways as she watched.
Piper had explained to use her tongue and also remove her teeth from the equation, and Aakifahlynn's eyebrows had immediately pinched. How the hell does one remove teeth?
And it was then Piper showed her how to tuck her lips in, covering her teeth, top and bottom, so when she shifts to start bobbing her head, that's the best time for that move.
Plus, she learned about adding a bit of suction. That afternoon, Aakifahlynn confirmed how much she needed to improve in that area.
Even opening her eyes. In her past, Aakifahlynn always kept her eyes closed.
And that afternoon, she observed all sorts of positions. Most of them had her crouching, bending, slanting, or craning somehow or the other to get an excellent angled view.