Feared the worst

Demarion had come by earlier, but now it was dark out, and Aakifahlynn was still nowhere to be found. This was a bit unusual.

And the fact that Demarion was worried, Aakifahlynn's mother was now.

By Mrs. Arwen's response and stricken look, Demarion got his answer without even asking. They still had not seen her since. "Guards," Demarion shouted.

There were guards at almost every post. How could Aakifahlynn slip past them, and neither of them saw her?

"Yes sir," the nearest guard came almost at a run, "sound the alarm. Our Empress is missing." Demarion orders.

Those words about 'his empress' flew over Mrs. Arwen's head as she was now stricken with fear, being consoled by her husband, Aakifahlynn's father, Mr. Ludwig Arwen.

She had left the door wide open, and Danica walked in to get them up to speed. She mentioned her brief conversation with their daughter earlier today in an attempt to reassure them that she was certain Aakifahlynn was just fine.