Aakifahlynn was still cloaked, and Demarion was wearing gloves, so she did not experience the full effect of his touch. And yet, for a second, she lost herself in his eyes, and her eyes fell to his lips. Then, she moved up to his eyes again and licked her lips.
Her face suddenly moved closer to him.
At Aakifahlynn's apparent intentions, Demarion wasted not another second; he had been waiting an entire lifetime for this again; he instantly closed the distance between them, his head swooping lower to meet her as she tiptoes wrapping her arms around his neck and kissed him.
It quickly became hungry and heated, his hands moving down her back, caressing her waist, pulling her flush to him as he sat on the table, she between his legs.
She grabbed the hair at the nape of his neck and slid her hand up, massaging his head. Her fingers ran through his hair as they melted in this passionate kiss, and they both moaned in pure pleasure.