Shiver in disgust

Aakifahlynn shook her right hand, which held a pair of diamond-studded bracelets and her personal storage bracelet, which was never far from her. In fact, she never took that one off.

Completely satisfied that she was indeed the bell of the ball and did not care to look exemplary for Demarion and that this was all for her, Aakifahlynn dismissed the maidens and made her way to the staircase.

There, she was sure she would find Emperor Demarion. However, he was not there.

When Demarion was absent from the staircase, Aakifahlynn felt an umph of disappointment flood her stomach, which she immediately dismissed and pressed on.

Reaching the staircase with no Demarion, Aakifahlynn made her way down, but in doing so, she felt as if someone was watching her.

The hairs on her back stood on end, leaving her with an eerie feeling. She could not help but wonder if something was amiss. She looked around but saw no one.