Chapter 4 - Nourishing tea

"Rise and shine, honey," As Rebecca swayed into Emily's room, she sung.

"Mom?" Emily yelled as she sat up, her eyes squinted.

She checked the time on her phone, and it was 8:15 a.m. "How come you're up so early?" You don't get up until about 10:00 a.m.

"It's Saturday, Em; how about some morning tea?" Rebecca asked, raising her brows in a 'remember?' manner.

"How can I forget the tea that nourishes my body?" Emiy sneered.

"You can mock it all you want, but trust me when I say it's good for you."

"Now get dressed and come downstairs." Rebecca said and went out.

Emily groaned and pushed herself out of bed, pausing to try to remember how she ended up on her bed; the last thing she remembered was standing at her window, staring incessantly at the sky.

She shook off the thoughts and made her way to the restroom carefully.

Emily walked downstairs to see her mother as soon as she was finished.

"Here it is," After she took a seat, Rebecca handed her a cup of tea.

"What is it about this tea that you make me three times a week?" Emily inquired, blowing the hot cup of herbal tea with her breath.

"I told you it's beneficial for your health, Em," Rebecca replied to the question.

"Why don't you join me in taking it? And aren't you tired of it? You've been doing this since I was fifteen years old." Emily remarked.

"I'm your mother, and a mother's job is to look after her child. Now drink up." Rebecca exited the room and entered the kitchen.

Emily drank the tea, she pressed her eyes shut as it burned down her throat to her stomach.

She clutched her stomach tightly and winced in pain. She was aware that tea can burn, but not to the extent that it did today.

When her phone rang, it drew her attention, and she looked at the screen to see who was calling.

She gasped, it was Giselle, how could she have forgotten? They always go out together on every Saturday morning.

Knowing how stylish Giselle was, she ran off to her room, looking for something more sophisticated than her regular T-shirts and slacks so she wouldn't look like her drudge when they walked together.

Giselle called again, and she ignored it as she changed into her black chiffon top and dark blue skirt. As she was combing her hair, her phone rang again. She quickly put down the comb and picked up the phone.

"How come you've been avoiding my phone calls?" On the phone, Giselle inquired. "Don't tell me you're still in bed," she said.

"I'm not in bed, and where are you?" Emily asked.

"I'm standing outside your front door. I'm about to enter." Giselle stated her case.

"You're what-?" Emily attempted to speak, but Giselle abruptly ended the call.

Before stepping out, Emily quickly dressed her bed.

Giselle was downstairs with Emily's mother, and they appeared to be having a serious conversation.

"Hey Em. " Giselle said immediately her gaze fell on Emily.

Giselle stood up and they left the house after Rebecca had given them a boundless list of precautions.

"Where are you going? " Giselle asked as she stood and watched Emily walk towards the crossroad.

"Where else? Do you think you can get a cab from here? " Emily asked.

"There's no need for that. " Giselle said, as she pressing the car remote and moving towards it; it was a black jeep.

Emily paused, "When did you get a car? " Emily asked.

"Are you coming or do you want to remain standing there? " Giselle asked, winding down the car window.

"It's my dad's car, he didn't know that I took it. What he doesn't know doesn't hurt him. "She said when Emily finally got in the car.

"We are heading to the mall now because we need to change this old fashioned clothes you always wear, oh, and what happened to the one we bought before? " Giselle asked.

"I'm ok the way I'm dressed, I just want to look simple. " Emily answered.

"There are many other pretty dresses that can make you look simple, we're getting you some new clothes and you must wear them. " Giselle said, Emily scoffed and looked out the window, Giselle started the car and zoomed off.