Chapter Two: On the Right Track

{Mathúin (Moon) Golvand-Mimosa}

I awoke to the foulest smell that had ever assaulted my nose. Gagging as I kick myself out of my covers. With this sudden burst of action, Puño was launched into the closet, Sorry bro. His surprised growls rose and fell with his altitude. Groggily trudging to the cabinet, I tried to dig my buddy out of the avalanche of clothes.

"Dude! What on Arceus' green earth did you eat last night!?" Which elicited a few growls, which roughly translated to a few expletives. Basically beans. After finally getting Puño out of that mess, I held him up like a tiny teddy bear. Puño's perpetual frown looked more intense, demanding to be set down. Upon being set down he immediately kicked me in the shin! Bastard! I belted out hushed swears just like pops from earlier this morning, hopping around on one leg clutching the injured one. Puño watched, clearly amused with his arms crossed.

It took me a bit to settle down, the pain came and went. We stared at each other for a few moments as I tried to think of some way to get him back. In under a few seconds, Puño had cracked and we both began laughing. What a way to start the day.

Getting ready for the morning was a very simple ordeal for us. While I changed into my day clothes, Puño had already scarfed down his morning berries and was in the backyard doing light exercises. By the time I had finished my meal and scrolled through social media and posted the good news I got this morning, Puño had already finished a considerable amount of laps around the perimeter of our family's property which would roughly be about 15 square acres.

Just returning from his run, Puño pops up onto my lap as soon as I sat on the couch. "Well, buddy brody bro…" Puño tilted his head straight up to look me in the eyes, an eyebrow was cocked as he waited for me to continue. "...We're finally moving. 2 years and we get to see Mama and little sis again. Well I mean, you got your parents here still, you know what I mean." The little bear nods along as his trainer continues. "We're leaving quite a lot behind. I mean yeah all of Dad's pokémon are coming, but like… I dunno. Feels like I'm leaving everything that I… WE, know behind. It's a new region for us with new people. New culture and new interactions. Scary and exciting." We both nod in unison. We are both just solidifying everything before we head off to the train station. My "boss" would kill us both if we weren't early for our shift as gym trainers.

Before they head off, My Rotom, Ellie, bursts out from my pocket and hovers in front of my face revealing a message sent from my mother. Ellie uses various text-to-speech programs downloaded onto the phone she combined with. Doing an eerie job mimicking my mom's voice, she read the message to me. "Niño, wake your father up." With her task done, Ellie slides herself back into my pocket to sleep. The lazy lady of this lads laurels.

Puno and I don't waste much time as we head to my parent's room. After knocking a few times, we decided to enter without a reply. Sprawled across the bed in the same outfit from earlier this morning, my father sleeps. On the nightstand was his phone. His Rotom was sleeping but that didn't stop it from charging the phone while keeping the call going. It appears he passed out while on a video call with Mom. Walking over, I loomed over my dad with an elbow raised intending to drop it right on the middle of his back. The joy I would feel was smited by the cough of my mom. She waved a silent hello with a smug grin but wordlessly told me to come up with something different. I took a moment to come up with an idea, a loud one. Silently motioning to Mom to give me a moment.

With an evil grin, I asked Puño to race over to Auntie Aranea and get her to levitate our old instruments into the room. An excited grunt was his response as he ran at full speed out of the house. Puño's footsteps were utterly inaudible. I didn't even need to wait long as Aranea THE Gardevoir warped in front of me along with my guitar and Puño's drums. A specific little bear was missing. "Auntie… why didn't you bring Puño with you?"

She stood there for a moment, Her prideful demeanor gave way to embarrassment as she turned to place the instruments in his father's room. There was a faint pattering that could be heard from an open window. Turning to the sounds, I realized it was Puño sprinting back to the house. I couldn't help but chuckle lightly as I asked Aranea THE Gardevoir to go and grab my amp since she forgot that too. A bright blush spread across her face as she silently teleported away only to immediately reappear with the device. 

I wasted no time as I got to work setting everything up. As I did so, I asked her to follow along further. I asked her to make a cream cheese bagel with two sunny side-up eggs with a strip or two of bacon. She… somehow already had the meal ready beforehand. What is she? Some kind of psychic…

I glanced over and could see Mama sitting there anticipating what I was about to do. She loves her husband but will need some retribution for his inability to stay awake on call. She was so excited about the great news that they had talked well through the night with her man, but he couldn't stay awake. The bags under her eyes spoke of how she would feel the fatigue later, but it was worth it. Coffee can only do so much. Propping her head on the back of her hand, she watched as her son was collaborating with her husband's Pokémon to prank the poor man. The back and forth reminded her of some pre-talent show setup. With a wave, I grabbed her attention, "Mama~ Lower the volume for your own good."

With me on electric guitar, Puño on drums, and Aranea with a dingy recorder flute she didn't know they had. We got ready and then just went to town on our tools of mass eardrum destruction. There was absolutely no cohesion. It was obvious from the beginning that we weren't even attempting to play anything coherent. Just pure noise. Mom could even see the family photos on the wall vibrate. However, despite all this, Dad had barely stirred in his sleep. It was baffling to us all that even after all their years together, next to nothing can wake him up.

We weren't dissuaded in the slightest. I got Aranea to use 'Dream Eater' and bring him out forcefully, Puño and Ethel kept playing as she did so. With a jolt, he sat straight up clutching his ears. His groggy swearing and threats of violence go unheard. As he stood up, Aranea knocked him out with a 'Hypnosis'.

We were going to go for a second act, but Mom was giving me 'the look' that told me that I was pushing my luck.

"That's more than enough, Mijo. Please just wake him up."

Having Aranea wake him for the last time, she warps out and back in setting breakfast for my dad. She teleported out leaving us alone. Dad sat up once more with a yawn and a stretch. The man didn't look well rested since he had only passed out on call some twenty minutes ago. With eyes still closed he spoke up "Honey, I had the weirdest dream." I snorted at this and barely composed myself in time for Dad to open his eyes. "... Boyo?"

"Dad." I gestured to the food on the dresser. "Food."

"Thanks…" Tilting his head slightly in confusion he asked "Why?"

I wanted to take credit for this but knew it was my mom's intention that led to this. It was also kind of like hush money so she wouldn't hint at what I had done. Dad followed my finger to the phone that hovered down to us from the corner of the room. She wasn't presently on camera. "Ma called. You passed out on her so I came to wake you. Also, I'm heading off to work to drop the news."

"Oh- damn~." Cupping his hand to try and stop his dear wife from hearing him, he continued with a cocked eyebrow "I'm not about to die, right?" I watched as he darted his eyes in all directions. Very obvious that it was a husband's fear.

"Maybe, Mi Amor." With a visible vein on her forehead and an angelic smile. You could almost see the metaphorical fire around her. Dad pursed his lips, not knowing what to expect... or maybe he did? "Mijo, you've fulfilled your purpose. Have fun at work. Your aunt only found out today that you two are moving?"

I wasted no time and waved my father goodbye as I hurried out. Puño had already left the room and was somewhere else. I gotta make sure he's with me before I head off for work.

As I began to head out, I left some parting words. "I will, Ma. Go easy on him for me please." My parents said their goodbyes and were already conversing, acting as if nothing happened. Even though he felt as though she would eat his father's head if she were there in person, he was certain they'd toss it under the bridge and get right back to being head over heels for one another. Despite the discomfort he feels for being so close to their… Lover's aura? He hopes that he too will have something like that.

Once I entered the living room, I saw Puño pacing back and forth muttering to himself. "Yo little buddy what's up?" Puño shot a hand towards Aranea and the clock showing the time. It dawned on me that we would be late for the train if we didn't high-tail it there immediately. I pleaded with Aranea to teleport us to the station but she declined with a smile. 'There is no fun in making it easy for you' is all she says.

 As fast as I could, I put one of my backpack straps on to carry it loosely, scooped up Puño and darted out of the door while forgetting to lock it. We began to book it in the direction of town. "Maybe we shouldn't have wasted time on dad like that!" As we run, we glance at each other and nod our heads in disagreement. It's always worth it to mess with my dad.

Without breaking stride, I lifted Puño up over my head. The little bear caught on and stood on my hand. I pulled my rail pass and gave it to Puño "Take it! Run ahead and get us in!" I slid to a stop and baseball pitched my best friend over a building that was in our path to the metro.

Sprinting out past the Budew in the front yard, dashing over the bridge in only a few strides, blitzing past both his uncles' house, I saw the town be as lively as ever- An obstacle in other words. As I made haste for the station, a few of the Postwick townspeople tried to stop and greet me but I had to wave them off and yell back to them that I'd be late. Nods of understanding and prayers of luck were all I got in return. Gym Leader Bea's reputation stretches far, Hell hath no fury like his boss scorned.

I can see the dust Puño is kicking up in his dash as Wedgehurst was within sight.

Focusing on maintaining my breathing, I had the train station in sight! As if the gods had blessed me for having it constructed nearest the entrance to the town, I increased my speed as much as I possibly could. Glancing up, standing atop the turnstile gate, Puño shouted with a thumbs up telling me that I can simply blaze through everything. Puño shouted into the train station as he boarded to alert whoever was there to be careful as his trainer dashed in. I leapt over the waist-high gate and began to roll a few feet from the train. As the door closed, my momentum didn't dissipate so Puño stood in my way to catch me. This didn't go according to the little cub's plan as we both collided, smushing Puño between the train's opposite closed door and myself who was now upside down with my feet in the air. We stayed like that for a few moments before chuckling together. Not only was it plain funny to us and those around us, we were perfectly fine.

After we calmed down, we sat opposite each other taking the window seats of our booth. Before we could relax, a little girl ran up to us. "Mr. Golvand! Mr. Golvand!" Judging by the uniform she is wearing, it is one of my students I teach Phys Ed to. It took me a moment to remember who she was, an eight year old named Sally. Her mother was close by and remaining aware of her daughter, though she knew there was nothing to worry about. "Mr. Golvand, Are we running the track today?" Her smile turned into a pout, the kind where it was obviously not authentic.

"Depends, lass. Have you been eating your greens?" I glanced at Sally's mother to see the answer. A smiling shake of her head said Sally did in fact, NOT eat her greens.

"Of course, Mr. Golvand! I'm going to be big and strong like Ms. Bea and beat you in an arm wrestling contest." I silently responded by placing my hand on her head… and grabbing it like a basketball. I mimicked Puño and had a sharp frown to drive home the faux disappointment. Playfully, I flexed my fingers to exaggerate a tight grip.

"I sense lies, child!! You'll have to run an extra quarter-mile today as punishment!" I exclaimed as I lightly shaked her head in a clockwise motion. Everyone giggled except me, it took everything in myself to not laugh when my little student went cross-eyed and vocalized her dizziness. I wonder if she is even taking me seriously. "Sally, you know better than to lie. Eat your greens tonight." Meekly, she nodded her head as best she could under my grip. "Good. Now go sit down with your Ma before the train gets bumpy." Another nod and she dashed back to her booth.

After finally settling in. Puño puffed some air to catch my attention. Nodding to something outside the window, we watched as Wedgehurst's buildings flew by and shrunk. It seemed like Puño was still deep in thought about leaving Galar. We both were. So many reasons to want to stay, but so many more to go.

I spent time just watching the scenery pass. I spot random flocks and packs of pokémon going about their lives. There is this strong smell of leather as I adjust myself in my seat. Opening the window to see a field of lavender didn't help at all.

My mind drifts to what the Pokémon in Paldea are like. What of Paldea itself? It's certainly warmer in most of its areas from what my sis told me. Am I going to have to learn Paldean to speak with my mom's side of the family at all? Everyone speaks the human language, but you never know.

"Puño..." He turns to me and looks, awaiting my question. "Your thoughts?"

He gives me a few growls and strikes a nerve immediately "The hell do you mean I won't have a better chance of getting a girlfriend! Whatever dude!" The nerve of this bastard! I could throw him out the window for that... He'd keep up with the damn train so there is no use.

I take some time to cool off and chuckle about it before going back to staring out the window. "Maybe I'll apply for some kind of job at the academy." Puño looked up at me. Pondering it for only a moment before throwing a thumbs-up my way. "We'll do that then?" A nod later and the plan was set in motion. A bit whimsical for a major decision, but we have time. It could be something worthwhile or not.

I go back to staring out the window just in time to see a Corviknight land on top of a church tower near the outskirts of Motostoke. The small outline of what is possibly a nest tells me that it has kids to take care of. It has a foundation here just like I do, in a sense. Though I don't have kids, that doesn't mean I can't find something like that in Paldea. Make new roots and whatnot.

At some point I had ended up taking a nap. I would have liked it considering the train to Stow-On-Side is long, but Puño had other plans for me. He was shoving me until I woke up. He was growling at me as if to say 'What will we do there?' I sat there for some time as we sat there looking for an answer.

Eventually we stared at each other with a grin, as if the answer was obvious. "The same thing then? Teach? I would imagine we'll need to work our way up to being a teacher or something. " I received a deeper stare. Without a prompt, Ellie flew out of my pocket and landed in his little paws as he searched for information on Uva Academy. Puño got up and sat next to me to show me what he and Ellie found for me.

Ellie floated up to me to present. "Okay, here's the job posting! And look—there's a bake sale happening next week. We could swing by if you're into Oran Berry pie?"

"Ellz, focus please." She steadied herself for me. As I read, my eyes grow wider at the prospect of a great opportunity. "I guess I don't need to worry too much now little buddy!"

'Treasure hunt chaperone applications - We need reliable people to help guide our youngest students as they embark on their journey to find their treasure. Maybe you'll find your own treasure too.' Scrolling through the page some more, we found some requirements and what is expected of this job. 

I basically act like a guardian for around 3 to 5 kids with an age range of 8 to 17. Tasks include security of the group at all times, setting up camp if we don't rest up in a town, route navigation, mediate conflicts between students, and documenting the journey. I am allowed to livestream the entire thing if I chose to which is pretty cool. I will be given a card that will cover a good range of expenses. Uva is fuckin loaded...

There is one giant requirement that is displayed in large text. The creme de la creme of requirements then?


"Puño my dude, Mom works at the academy and I work at a prestigious gym. Chaperoning can help me apply for… I don't know what yet, but it'll be great to work for Uva!" Puño cracked a smile at me finally solidifying our decision. We'll be together at least, no doubt about that in either of our minds.

"About that pie-"

"No... Maybe."

  1. Ethel was a terrible name. More like a placeholder I should have changed before posting my first chapter. which is why I changed it.
    Mathúin ( Mah-Hoon ) is Irish for Bear, and Moon is simply just shortening that for casual conversation. In my mind, Galar is the United kingdoms, which includes Ireland.