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"Vine wood, dragon heartstring, 10 inches," Ollivander proclaimed, his voice carrying the weight of a wand's destiny. He handed Hermione a wand entwined in delicate vines and gestured for her to give it a gentle wave.

This wand didn't quite reach the level of perfection Luke had experienced, but it was an excellent match nonetheless. Hermione couldn't help but feel a twinge of dissatisfaction as she watched the wand effortlessly conjure magic. Her own wand didn't seem as flexible in comparison, and witnessing such a flawless display had left her feeling somewhat inadequate.

Ollivander seemed to sense Hermione's mood and offered a soft explanation, "Your compatibility with this wand is among the best we've seen in recent days among young wizards."

"Next to you," he continued, "the young wizard here has displayed a level of harmony with his wand that we've witnessed only once in our shop's last 300-year history."

Luke, who had been examining his wand nearby, gained a better understanding of his exceptional compatibility. His wand was crafted with Thunderbird tail feathers, and he now possessed the Thunder Dragon Slayer crystal. Furthermore, his exceptional control over lightning and energy allowed him to perform magic without even needing a wand.

While lost in thought, Luke was brought back to reality by a pleasant voice. He looked up and saw a petite and charming figure before him.

"My name is Hermione Granger. Are you starting at Hogwarts this year?" she asked with a warm smile.

Luke nodded, his light blue eyes locking onto her as he replied, "I'm Luke Geralt, a new student this year. Nice to meet you, Miss Granger."

As their conversation unfolded, Luke noticed Professor Snape's keen interest in him, which sent a shiver down his spine. Quickly changing the topic, he asked, "Professor Snape, shall we continue with our shopping?"

"Of course, Mr. Geralt," Snape replied. He couldn't help but be intrigued by the young wizard who was bound for Slytherin. Luke exhibited remarkable aptitude and a stable character, indicating he had the potential to become an outstanding wizard in the future. Snape even entertained the thought that Luke might one day rival...

But before he could complete that thought, another voice interrupted him.

"Luke hasn't finished shopping yet. Would you like to join us?" Hermione asked.

Luke, now looking at her, saw her cheeks flush slightly as she continued, "I haven't finished my shopping either, so it might be nice to go together."

"Just call me Luke, but let's check with Professor Snape first," Luke replied, intrigued by the idea but mindful of his professor's presence.

"Professor?" Hermione questioned, finally noticing the tall man in a black robe standing beside Luke. She had assumed he was a parent, but it turned out he was a professor.

"Yes, Professor Snape is the Potions professor at Hogwarts," Luke explained.

"Absolutely, Mr. Geralt," Snape agreed, and the three of them continued their shopping expedition.

As Snape agreed, the two of them paid for the wand in Galleons, which amounted to a total of seven Galleons.

The Grangers, who were accompanying Hermione, were eager to learn about the wizarding school their daughter was about to attend, so they bombarded Snape with questions along the way. This left Luke and Hermione trailing behind the trio.

"Miss Granger, what would you like to buy next, books or clothing?"

"Just call me Hermione. I'd like to go to the bookstore next."

"Then let's go buy your textbooks first."

With a clear goal in mind, the group quickly reached the bookstore. The first-year curriculum had only a few textbooks, but Hermione decided to purchase all the textbooks for the second year in advance. She even bought additional books on general knowledge and magazines related to the magical world, which caught Luke's attention.

Hermione was undoubtedly a dedicated scholar, and Luke couldn't help but admire her thirst for knowledge. With her learning ability, she could excel in various fields even without entering the magical world.

After leaving the bookstore, Luke and Hermione had an additional backpack each, both bulging with their purchases.

"We have one last stop: Mrs. Morkin's Robe Shop."

Luke checked their shopping list, and the only item left was wizarding robes.

"No, no, no, we're going to the pet store next!"

"The pet store?"

It was at that moment that Luke realized his Frog had mysteriously disappeared from his side, as if it had transformed all the gold Galleons into a journey of its own.

Going on an adventure, perhaps?

"Well, let's go then."

It was now noon, so Luke wasn't in a hurry. With Snape's ability to Apparate, returning home would be a breeze.

"What kind of pet are you thinking of getting, Luke?"

As they entered the pet store, Luke glanced at the various animals on display, feeling a bit indifferent. The choices were limited to owls, toads, and cats, and there were no particularly interesting magical creatures.

Hearing Hermione's question, Luke shrugged and replied softly, "I already have a frog, so I don't need another pet."

"But an owl for delivering letters is quite essential."


Time flew by, and after purchasing their pets and owls, the group made their way to Madam Malkin's robes for all ocassions, where they bought a set of wizarding robes. The time to part had come.

Luke and Hermione agreed to meet at King's Cross Station before the start of school and to exchange letters when they had the chance.

The soft light of the setting sun bathed Diagon Alley's stone streets. Luke watched as the Grangers left the alley, and then he Apparated back home with Snape.

"See you at school, Mr. Geralt."

"Also, if you decide to come to Slytherin, remember to study your magic from books."

Before departing, Snape left these words and disappeared into the living room.

"It seems that Snape really values me," Luke mused as he placed their purchases on the table. However, there were several photos on the table that hadn't been there before.

Luke picked up one of them and studied it. On a massive rock wall, four intricately carved figures stood out.