
In response to Professor Snape's questions, it was clear that Harry, lacking knowledge of potions, couldn't answer them at all. It was his first encounter with potion-related topics, and even some pure-blood wizards might not be familiar with these concepts.

"Professor, I didn't know," Harry admitted honestly after a moment of silence.

Hermione, seated next to Luke, continuously raised her hand to answer the questions, but Luke discreetly pulled her hand down. He knew that intervening in Snape's interactions with Harry could result in Gryffindor losing more points.

"Perhaps Professor Snape simply wanted to have a conversation with Harry," Luke whispered to Hermione.

At this point, Hermione realized that Luke's hand was still holding hers. The warmth of his hand on her back made her cheeks flush, but she chose not to withdraw her hand, instead lowering her head to avoid drawing attention to it.

"Very well, then if I asked you to find me a bezoar, where would you look for it?" Snape continued with another question, which was quite common and expected of any wizard with some knowledge.

Harry, however, couldn't answer. His head hung low in embarrassment. "I don't know, sir."

Snape pressed on with another question. "What's the difference between the boat-shaped aconite and the wolf poison aconite?"

Harry's face turned red as he admitted, "I don't know, sir."

Hermione, noticing the awkward situation and the still-clasped hands, asked Luke with embarrassment, "Why does it feel like Professor Snape is singling out Harry?"

She had met Professor Snape in Diagon Alley before, and at that time, he appeared cold but still answered questions. But now, his behavior was drastically different.

"I'm not sure," Luke replied, trying to explain without making Snape seem like a bad person. "But I believe there's more to it than meets the eye. Professor Snape has his reasons."

Snape's animosity toward Harry stemmed from their past, and Luke understood why Snape might act this way. Snape was now forced to teach the son of the woman he loved and the man he hated the most.

As Snape continued to question Harry, his tone remained cold and indifferent, stinging like thorns. Eventually, Snape turned his attention to Luke, his voice unchanging as he said, "Luke Geralt, answer these three questions."

"Of course, Professor," Luke replied calmly, standing up.

Meanwhile, Harry had returned to his seat, with Ronald attempting to console him quietly.

"The combination of narcissus root powder and wormwood can be formulated into a powerful sleeping potion, known as the Elixir of Life and Death."

"To find a bezoar, you would look in the stomach of a goat, as it serves as an antidote."

"The boat-shaped aconite and the wolf poison aconite are both common names for the same plant, collectively referred to as Aconitum. There is no difference, Professor." Luke answered confidently.

Fortunately, I had reviewed the potion materials in advance, so these questions could be considered basic.

Luke's articulate response brought a nod of satisfaction from Snape.

"It seems you've put your vacation to good use for studying."

"Alright, let's begin the class now."

The subject was Potions, and as always, the first lesson was filled with theoretical knowledge. Hermione diligently scribbled notes, her parchment overflowing with information, while Luke couldn't afford to be lazy under Snape's watchful eye.

Once again, class was over. It was also the day for owl deliveries, so everyone orderly gathered in the Great Hall, anticipating the arrival of their letters.

To the surprise of many, Luke didn't return to the Slytherin table but instead followed Hermione to the Gryffindor table.

"Good afternoon, Harry."

Luke smiled and nodded at Harry before taking a seat beside him, next to Hermione.

"Hey, I remember you are in Slytherin," inquired Ronald, intrigued by Luke's presence.

"Yes, but the rules don't specify where Slytherin students must sit," Luke replied nonchalantly.

To him, it didn't matter where he sat. Besides, he found many of the pure-blooded students on the Slytherin side arrogant and unpleasant.


An explosion startled everyone. A young boy sat there in a daze, holding a wand, with his cup now turned into black tea.

"He's trying to turn the water into black tea. He succeeded this morning," Ronald explained.

Moments later, owls with letters began to arrive, filling the room with their distinctive cries.

Luke and Harry, sitting together, didn't receive any letters.

Noticing this, Hermione seemed to recall something but decided against asking.

"Well, Luke, no letter for you either?" Harry asked curiously, noticing that Luke hadn't received an owl-delivered letter like the rest of them.

"I'm an orphan," Luke replied bluntly.

Those words briefly silenced those around him. Harry struggled to find the right words to say.

After all, he still had his aunt, even if he didn't like her much. But Luke had nothing.

This newfound realization made Harry feel a pang of sympathy, a feeling he hadn't expected to experience for someone else.

Ronald, too, was taken aback. From Luke's polite demeanor, he had assumed he was an aristocrat in the Muggle world.

"Why are you all looking at me like that? I've inherited a substantial estate, and I have a house of my own. I'm living a comfortable life!" Luke explained, exasperated.

After all, he had memories from his previous life, and if he had parents, he would have had a few awkward years.

"Luke…" Hermione began, holding her letter and looking at Luke's helpless profile.

"What's wrong?" Luke turned his head, curious.

"No, it's nothing," Hermione replied quietly.


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